500 ADA lost after pool retired

Hello there!

I had a stakepool, the ticker was KGADA, then it changed to RLABS, as I had no block created and due to costs of running two servers, I decided to retire my node. (epoch 273) and I didnt receive the 500 ADA refund.

  1. I deregistered my wallet and node, both of them.
  2. I checked into cntools β†’ Funds β†’ withdraw rewards and I have zero rewards.

Can anyone help me?

My pool: 73946f2e9cd318983c5e846a1d5f0b828a49916861a6ea405b07457c

I think u didn’t received it because u deregistered the stake address

mmmm pity, do you think I wont be able to get back that money?

I don’t know, I think not but u can ask IOHK

Thanks for your fast answer. Where can I contact them?


click on question mark β†’ type pool and click search β†’ contact us


Thank you so much @Alexd1985