Greetings Beautiful Cardano!
I am making a post to encourage the community, as well as those involved in official Cardano organizations, to make an effort to rethink, revise, and improve the Moderation Team of the official Cardano subreddit, r/Cardano.
For some time, people have expressed frustration at the moderation policies of this forum. As the largest online representation of the Cardano community on reddit, it is home to over 600K subscribers, and is often the first-stop destination for redditors when they want to check out the Cardano ecosystem.
I made a post today around 10:30am EST, which are peak Reddit hours for traffic, and are well-known as the best time periods to post content on the site and have it be seen. However, after nearly six hours, this post (concerning a new Cardano Foundation partnership with HOSKY and the United Nations Refugee Agency) remains unapproved.
As I have personally encountered these types of frustrations in the past, I thought it was important to examine the mod team, and look into how active they are on the platform.
As can be seen in this breakdown of the first page* of the current Moderation team, the majority of the team are no longer active in the r/Cardano subreddit, and some no longer active on Reddit at all. In other words, the people who run Cardano’s subreddit aren’t even redditors. The only exception to this is u/SL13PNIR, who is in charge of posting the Daily Discussion threads, and has been active in comments with subscribers to the subreddit. Very cool to see!
EDIT: Thank you to u/dominatingslash for pointing out the additional page of moderators for this subreddit. I generally use old.reddit, and missed the pagination at the top right making this post with new.reddit
The remaining moderators on the second-page of admins have a very similar theme as the first. Many have not been active in the subreddit this year, with the exceptions of u/dominatingslash, and u/danny_cryptofay, who have done really amazing work on a consistent basis. Meanwhile, there are others tasked with the curation of this forum who have never made a single post or comment in the community.
As this subreddit community is so large, I believe that the Moderation team should be improved to include members of our community who are more active, both on reddit and in the Cardano ecosystem as a whole. The burden of content moderation should not have to fall on u/SL13PNIR, who seems to be the only active member of the team left.
There was a previous Cardano Forum post about the ownership of the subreddit, but it seems nothing has come from it to date.
The coming years will see a returning interest in cryptocurrencies as market conditions change, and bull runs will bring a bunch of new eyes to blockchain and the Cardano ecosystem in particular. In order for us to be fully prepared for an influx of new users, as well as to improve the curation, promotion, and conversations in our ecosystems, the restructuring of the r/Cardano moderation team is an imperative.
I am curious to know your thoughts on this regard, and if anyone has some ideas as to how we might start to make these improvements. Thank you very kindly on your time, and hope you keep cooking on Cardano!