My Ledger live is up to date. My nano-x is up to date. I have used, Avast browser, Chrome Browser, Firefox. I cannot connect with emurgo to access Yoroi wallet for staking to a new pool. The error message is: ‘something happened. Try again’ ,ad infinitum. I welcome suggestions from those more savvy than myself. Thanks in advance.
Will attempt it and let you know . Thanks Alex.
Alex, also, I cannot connect with adalite. I just did test transactions with other assets with my nano-x and they were quick and smooth. The ledger is functioning correctly. . All components, nano-x, ledger live etc are up to date. My ADA is essentially frozen from me, trapped in the Yoroi wallet. I can’t move it, nor can I access the stake pools to change my pool. The sole coin I have had difficulty managing is ADA. I don’t know what to do to resolve this.
ok, now check if the Cardano wallet from is the same as yoroi wallet (check/compare the numbers next to wallet name)
do u see any hostory transactions on or it looks like a new wallet with 0 balance?
If you have ADA tokens and you access them thru your Ledger then you should be able to access them in any other wallet. They cannot be trapped in Yoroi. Try using the Eternl wallet which is available on Brave or Chrome. It is far better than Yoroi and when you go to ‘Add Wallet’ you will be able to connect your Ledger. Make sure your Ledger is open and and that you have scrolled thru to Cardano. Best of luck.
Also be sure to not have the ledger live app open in the background when using the nano x to connect to a wallet.
Thank you, Roman.
Thanks, Brad_Z. I will try that and let you know how it goes.