ADA Lite

Help! I cannot find this information…
I want to move ADA coins to ADA Lite wallet via Trezor Model T.
MY QUESTION: Do I need to “Create New Wallet” via website first along with generating and writing down the passphrase mnemonic OR do I “Unlock with Trezor Model T” - even though I do not have an ADA Lite account?
If I have the Trezor, does that take the place of creating the ADA Lite mnemonic?
Or do I create the Account Initially / Write down the mnemonic and then Unlock with Trezor?

Thank you… very new to this.

Hi I have not used Ada lite yet. I think the Yoroi wallet supports Trezor T also BTW.

Thanks for the reply…
Just to clarify… i have never created any type of ADA wallet and I just got the Trezor Model T.
If I have the Trezor, Can I just access any wallet (even though I have never created one)?
By creating the wallet, I believe you go through the process of creating mnemonic passphrase. But since I have the Trezor, Do I need to create the ADA Wallet mnemonic phrase?
Thx again.


to answer your question you have to select “unlock with Trezor Model T”.

Please understand, there is no such thing like an “adalite account”, adalite runs locally on your computer it’s not a centralized wallet or something like that.

Trezor has your private key and adalite (or any other wallet) interacts with the Cardano app on your device. Learn what a hardware wallet is and how it works:

To stay safe try everything out with a small amount of ADA (including restoring the device)

ok, just to follow up and clarify…
on the start page for adalite (, you have three login options in the middle of the page.

  1. Mnemonic 2. Hardware wallet 3. Key file
    and then in the upper right corner of the screen there is a Red button/box labelled
    “Create New Wallet”.
    This is the confusing part.
    So is the “Create New Wallet” button only for login option #1 (Mnemonic)?
    The " Create New Wallet button is NOT for #2 (Hardware Wallet ) and NOT for #3 (Key file)?

If ture, then that answers my question. I thought the “Create New Wallet” was something separate from the 3 login options is the middle of the page. I thought it was something that had to be done separate and including logging in with the Hardware Wallet.
But it sounds like “Create New Wallet” button is only linked to login option #1 - Mnemonic.

Is this correct?

Yes, “create a new wallet” means “creating new random seed words” for you. (the wallet will be new and empty)

When using seed words or a hardware wallet or a key file, the wallet exists already. (even, and this is the funny part, if you never used it before)

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Got it… Thanks for answering my questions!

I don’t understand where the 10 addresses in ADALite comes from?
If I send ADA to these addresses, can I retrieve these ADA with another wallet such as Daedalus, id ADAlite disappears?

@ctonbton, I use Trezor T too to store my Cardano.

Go to the Trezor wallet website.
Log in to your Trezor T.
On the top left side corner you will see your available currencies which are supported by Trezor T
scroll down and you will see ( Cardano - ADA )
click that and it will take you to ADAlite website
On the left bottom corner you will see option to log through your Trezor T
click that and it will take you to your wallet.
to receive cardano in your wallet please browse through the wallet addresses which will be shown on the right bottom corner of your screen. Easy !!! and good Luck

Hi adatainment, I hope you can help. I sent some ADA to from an exchange to one of the addresses shown as ‘My Addresses’ on the ADA Lite wallet to add to an existing amount that is staked. I realise I shouldn’t have having read your post about ADA Lite wallet running on my laptop, thankfully it was just a small test amount but is it recoverable?
The reason I did that was that I find the Cardano app on my Ledger Nano S doesn’t open and I probably don’t understand enough about how it all works. Can you help? Regards, Brian

With the statement “adalite runs locally on your computer” I just wanted to say it is safe in the above context. But a wallet does not have to run to receive ada.

What you wrote sounds all right. It’s important to know that exchanges often delay payments. This happens for various reasons. (double checks, bundling transactions of other customers, empty hot wallets, etc)

As soon as they actually send it, you will receive a transaction ID, only at this point you can expect to receive it, and you can see it in a block explorer.

Thank you Tommy, I have finally got it all sorted, as 65 year old and self taught on computers it takes me a while to lock in things, but all sorted now.
Thank you for taking the time to respond.

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Good to know, thank you. For someone who may read this topic in the future: what was the cause/problem/unclarity?

My mistake I didn’t follow correct protocols with confirmations of transactions etc, but because of the initial security of my Ledger Nano S transfers were confirmed, thank you again and I must say the response from all of my messages for support to Cardano Forum, IOHK and Cardano Dan who I am staking with was well beyond expectation…


I still have a Ledger device with my Cardano captive because I have the first version software

1.1 or 1.2
At the time Ledger site said no updates available for 1.1 or 1.2
If someone knows what to do please help.If there is a company or service avail for hire also let me know
if you know someone at Cardano also let me know contact info

So, you can’t update the ledger?

Not sure if this is where i post….
Unable to move ada at all on yoroi/chrome. Trapped for months. Went thru adalite and hit open with ledger nano, still working in chrome. Am notified my ledger info is being downloaded, and i export my public keys, but the wallet that opens has zero balance. My balance on yoroi thru chrome is correct but sever error keeps me from doing anything at all.

Check inside yoroi… near wallet name … it’s saying ledger or it’s just a simple wallet?

Now… did u wver replaced/restored the ledger?

This is not the original nano x. Ledger sent me a replacement when the first failed to charge.

Now adalit/chrome won’t let me open any wallet. Searches endlessly for anh HID device. No compatible devices found.

Am sure i set it up with the same seed as i can see my ada and ergo in yoroi/chrome

Did u chose ledger nano x from the list right?