Ambassador Judges 👨‍⚖️

Hello :wave: everyone
Looking for 9 volunteer Ambassadors to judge the MEME contest! Great way for Ambassadors to gain exposure as well as introduce themselves to the community. I would prefer not to be a judge on this contest and simply act as a treasurer. DM me if convenient, if inconvenient…DM me all the same :smiley:!




As Master of Memes & GIFs, happy to assist😄


Awesome! Thank you @Tesshu ! :muscle: eight to go!

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Thank you @Josh_Munday for volunteering as well! You will be our special 10th judge :man_judge: !

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Don’t mind but will there be a recap page with all meme that filled your criteria ?
I don’t want to spend time checking for each … :slight_smile:

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Yes absolutely @Psychomb! I will organize the submissions once the contest is over :+1:. As judges you’ll just need to get together and vote. We can discuss the criteria and payout in private DM’s.

Thank you @CardanoCastellano for volunteering as well!

…so with @Psychomb we just need five more volunteer Ambassadors !

What qualifications are necessary to be a judge? I am a CPA and hundreds of thousands of crypto but I am not a programmer/super techie. LOL

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Looking forward to cracking open a cold one and scrolling through all these awesome memes! :muscle:


The only qualification is to be an active member of the forum @shawn! :smiley:

Thanks you. Being a CPA and very knowledgeable about crypto’s cannot hurt, but the fact that I am a recent addition to the group (I only going groups like Facebook or the National Eagle Scout or Linked in if I thinks it’s a worthwhile group and I am very active.

My guess is that time will allow someone to judge if I should be an administrator ( familiar with the functions and rules so I can assist it help regulate ). Close guess? Lol

I am also a Money Dr ( 1 of only 20 CPA’s in the nation granted this honor) and obviously am very active there as well.

Shawn P Adamo, CPA/PFS, CGMA, QFP

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Keep an :eye: on the prize as contributions roll in!

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Fo what it’s worth I’ll offer to help.

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I will help be a judge. If you want we can narrow it down to the top 10 and let the community vote on the remaining? You can insert a poll if you wish. otherwise, let me know how you would like feedback:

If polling, you can make it anonymous and give it broad visibility on social media. Just a thought. I am pretty sure you have done these before - Example.

  • Meme 1
  • Meme 2
  • Meme 3
  • Meme 4
  • Meme 5
  • Etcetera

0 voters


Great Idea @rickymac!
Thank you for volunteering!

It will be completely up to you as judges to decide. I will help organize the submissions to make it easier for you to sift through.The contest ends the day after the new roadmap is revealed, we will have a little ceremony where we will acknowledge all the great content created by the community and I ( as sort of a treasurer) will pay out the prize to the winner ! I will group everyone on a private DM’s so we can discuss the best way to go about it.

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Please keep in mind that as long as the winning MEME follows community code of conduct values, it will be featured on Cardano community Twitter

You and me, we will probably get along quite well :smile:


Great idea!!

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Is it still possible to be the judge?

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Absolutely, I’ll add you to the DM thread @Maka7911 . Thank you for volunteering!

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