Another infinity CONNECTING TO NETWORK... post

ok, this is an important information.
FYI, the current infrastructure is this

What: 7 main nodes (stakeholders)
Where: Internet (Amazon AWS)
TCP Port: 3000
What: cardano-node.exe (full node running in background)
Where: your local PC
TCP Port: 8090
What: daedalus.exe (visible wallet)
Where: your local PC

If you local daedalus.exe can’t reach the local cardano-node.exe and your task manager shows the node running, this means that either something already run on port 8090 on your PC (@merlot mentioned a service for the killer networks ethernet hardware) or that a local security suite (AV-Engine, Firewall, …) block access to localhost:8090
INstead of the build in task manager you can use Microsofts Sysinternals Process Explorer (
You have to start it with administrative rights. then right click cardano-node.exe, swith to TCP/IP tab and confirm that a local address is “LISTENING” on port 8090

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