Any Guide of All Cardano Product

I realize that Cardano is lack of developers outside Cardano that use Cardano to solve real problem.
Are there any guide about what Cardano can do? And I read many project like Plutus, Ouroboros, Rust, ATOM, etc.

  1. Are there any guide about this product specification and what they can do?

  2. I read a lot about XRP before, they specialize with transferring money from one country to another. For a small project they have XRPTipbot. If you ever heard they can make a tip by using twitter account. Simple, but quite useful. Did Cardano have some small group of people outside IOHK that doing this kind of thing?

  3. What is the main advantage of Cardano, that can be use in real case? I don’t know but so far I think transferring money is okay too, but little bit slow compare to XRP. Any idea?

  4. Any benefit by transferring ADA with smart contract? I mean in which industry that will use the smart contract?


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