Anyone else missing Ada from their Yoroi - Ledger Wallets?

Technically, your funds are protected by your Ledger Nano S so they are not “stored” in Yoroi. Although I do wish that Daedalus finally implemented Ledger support cause these things are scary…

I know my funds are safe on ledger nano s but scary to see this 0.000000 on top of wallet and having no access to my funds on yoroi right now…

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I understand, but you do have access to funds via adalite as mentioned above

Yikes. I was concerned because I only activated Yoroi a day ago, did a test transfer of ADA, then a full transfer to get it off the exchange. Come back and see my confirmed transactions were there but a zero balance. Uninstalled Yoroi from Chrome and reinstalled - typed in recovery - now no transactions and zero balance. Hmm. Then found this forum (just joined past hour) and read this. Did what you said (adalite) and there you have it! As of this post Yoroi still shows zero balance but adalite reassured me. Thanks for the info. :slight_smile:


Almost the same for me but it shows 0 transactions and 0 ADA. But I set up my new Ledger Nano X the day before yesterday at my home computer and transferred about 30000 ADA to it in four transactions. Today i installed Yoroi on work computer and found it was northing on the Ledger. But via the forum i got the tip to use adalite. Should i consider send my ada to the exchange via adalite? In some way i feel confused about the Ledger.

Totally understand your concern, however 85% of the trade are made by Algo/trading software. Those stupid algo programs have no idea about what is going wrong in the real world. Look at the market today. Funds are SAFU (Safe Asset For Users)

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If you need to make a transaction immediately, yes, you can use adalite for now, which works with Ledger Nano S + X (over USB).


Yep, “Cardano is whitepaper coin with crappy wallets” comments incomming… :confused:

We are on Yoroi topics. Cardano has nothing to do with this topic.

LMAO , another EOS fanboy here

same thing happening to me. no need to worry though… all coins are there when checking the explorer. wait and chill.

Almost there, should start working shortly

You did notice I was being sarcastic, right? I am a Cardano supporter and my comment was being ironic…

Yoroi is fully operational now, OK to resume normal usage.


Thank You, Great, i keep my ADA on the Ledger!

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Mine was too. LOL

Checked my Yoroi wallet just now and all’s well. Balance shows, etc.

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I’m hoping I can find some help here… Been going nuts for a while… I haven’t checked on my crypto in a while and with the recent spike wanted to move some coin around. On 5/29/19 I moved coin from Binance to what I’m sure was my ledger. I don’t remember what wallet I used, but I know it was one I had synced with my Nano S. I assume it was Yoroi as I had the extension installed in Chrome. I synced my Yoroi and Nano X (I purchased the X but previously had S and I reinstalled with my seed phrase). Given the date, I think it would have been Byron wallet. I synced Nano with Yoroi and AdaLite but it shows zero transaction history and zero coins. I searched the cardanoscan sight to make sure I made a transfer, and it shows the transfer in May 2019, but unfortunately I can’t tell where it went obviously.

I came across this post and it looks like a day after I made the transfer Yoroi had some issues with ADA.

Can anyone help. Any suggestions on how to locate the coins would be appreciated.

Hi, I just connected my ledger nano s to Daedalus it shows zero transactions. Anyone know why? I see this thread is older so I’m not sure if anyone is experiencing the same issue.

Thanks everyone.

I have somewhat similar problem with Yoroi wallet. I used the address from the address book I found in the Yoroi wallet and after I have made the transfer I haven’t used the Yoroi since August and yesterday when I checked it again it shows my balance as 0. The address starts with D instead of A. Maybe that’s the problem. I found information that Ledger Nano only supports addresses that starts with A. I can see the transaction in my Yoroi wallet and after checking the blockchain my ADA coins are still there parked on that address, but the Yoroi wallet doesn’t seem to recongise the address as my own. It’s in my address book, but for some reason it says that they do not belong to me, but are relevant to my wallet.

I’m having pretty much the same issue today. I have the yoroi wallet on Android and today opened the wallet and see zero balance and no transactions? Last time I checked was last night and all was fine then…

Is this still a sync issue? I’ve lost faith in the yoroi wallet after this and hoping my funds are safe.

I’ll check tomorrow and update here whether I recover the funds there.