Balance "0" In Eternl Wallet after pool delegation

A little over a year ago I made a delegation of ada tokens to a pool in the Eternl wallet.
I maintained the balance for a while, but after restoring the wallet the balance it gave me was “0” zero. I have proof that the transaction was made to the pool but I don’t know if there is a way to recover my token from this wallet. Thanks for any help.

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What do you mean by that? If you are delegating to a pool, you dont transfer your tokens to that pool. So if you sent your ADA anywhere, you probably have been scammed.

Could you please post one of your receiving addresses to check your wallet on a explorer?

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Sorry, the information you provided is too little.

During the staking period, did you make any transactions? Do you check your wallet balance regularly? Or is this your first time checking since delegation?

Please provide your wallet address so the community can check the details for you. Or you can check by yourself through blockchain explorer like,,

Note: As @Zyroxa said above, ADA is never locked when you stake in a certain pool. This means your assets do not move out of your wallet in an delegation transaction.