Binance ada frozen

I have 4 ada in Binance. I want to withdraw them to my Daedulus wallets 1,2,3,4, so I can stake 1 to each pool (numbers are examples).

Binance says they are "working on the ada wallet and no deposits or withdrawals can be made until the wallet if fixed. This has been days!!!

I have to move some to get cash!!!

I am certain everyone else with ada in finance is in the same situation. They say “no eta” when their ada wallet is fixed it will be fixed.


The infrastructur from binance is currently under maintainence because of upgrade which occured at the 29th july.

You have to be patient and wait until they fix it.


Thank you for a prompt response. This a finance issue correct?

Any concept on their timeline?I NEED some yet they seem to have no eta for the past several days.


I dont really know when its possible again to withdraw anything from binance. You should try to contact their techsupport.


I have done so for many days. They have NO eta. They say they are working on the ada wallet

Unfortunately this is the case for many of us and we need to wait it out.

The addressing of the system are changing and this is a huge task, IOHK are giving support to exchanges and alike in an effort to expedite matters, it is literally a world wide effort. Estimated times range from a week to 6.

I understand that it is frustrating especially if you need cash.

In saying the above I can’t see it taking too long for binance to sort it being a major exchange.

Yeah i know this is a dumb situation for all of us, but we cant do anything else beside waiting.

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6 weeks to stake? Darn should have done it last week.

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Seems their response is "we have no estimate of time. The ada wallet is being worked on…

Considering this is the 8th largest crypto it would be a priority!!! Apparently not!!!

i have some there, too It may be about 10 days, but in the big scheme of things I’m ok with it as I figured it would happen. Each exchange has to get updated - another example is Ellipal wallet.
No worries, it’s the future being built :wink: :grinning: :v:t4:

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@shawn under Community Technical Support, there is a current thread with the info you’re seeking. From main page, just scroll down to the subheading and you’ll find it there :grinning: :v:t4: (under the heading Ledger Yoroi)

Thx. Seemed they finally fixed it.

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