Hey guys,
today (like a few hours ago) I wanted to withdraw my ada from my binance account to my daedalus wallet, but I am still waiting for it to come. Binance still shows my account balance in ada, but on the other side shows my value been transferred.
What could be the problem?
Transactions out of Binance are taking a while right now. I had one take about 5 hours. When Binance says it’s “completed” it will be there. All this should change in the next few months when Shelly rolls out.
Thanks, so its normal? Because there still is no Txid in binance and I just used the wallet address that showed up, when I click “Receive” in Daedalus
Few days ago I moved my ADA from binance as well. I remember it took nearly whole night to finally show on my wallet. If you copied the exact address from Daedalus you shouldn’t worry. Hopefully within few hours it will be in your wallet.
For a while now it’s been working for a short time most days, seemingly. Like maybe 30 mins out of 24 hours or so. At different times though. You just have to keep reloading the page and when the icon’s not there, go for it.
I did a transfer a couple hours ago from Binance to my Daedalus Wallet on my Mac and it has not yet arrived on my Daedalus. My transaction says completed in Binance and I can see the txid. I can also find my transaction on the Cardano Blockchain Explorer but still nothing has arrived. I’m worry that I made a mistake by generating a new address in the “Receive” tab instead of copy/pasting the initial default.