Bioelectocracy: Better Governance Based On Morphogenesis

Greetings all,
You may remember a previous article I wrote, Beemocracy, which abstracted Tom Seeley’s work on governance in the honey bee colony and applied it to human governance. By way of continuing to ask what nature has to tell us about about human governance, we now have Bioelectocracy which is governance based on Michael Levin, Benjamin Lyons, and Charles Hoskinson’s work comparing bioelectric circuits found in morphogenesis to the price system in human economies where both act as the cognitive glue for collective intelligence. The study indicates that sane collective intelligence can only emerge out of human interaction when markets and money are unmanipulated. This adds to the conversation of why crypto matters and may point to the most important goal of our industry.

Bioelectocracy: Better Governance Based On Morphogenesis

Video: Morphogenesis Primer by Michael Levin
Video: Collective Intelligence Primer by Michael Levin

Thanks to Michael Levin, Benjamin Lyons, Charles Hoskinson, and many others for laying the foundation of this project


Recent advances in bioelectric network theory have revealed a universal coupling constant, conventionally denoted as “μ” in the literature, which appears to govern collective intelligence emergence across all scales. The “μ” parameter quantifies the strength of bioelectric coupling between cells and, remarkably, appears to have analogs in price system dynamics at macro scales.

Video: Levin imagines a being with enough intelligence and compassion to care for every human
Video: Levin and Lyons show this being exists
Paper - Levin and Lyons: The Price System As Cognitive Glue
Paper - Hoskinson: Analytic, Topological, Categorical, and Motivic Structures
So why so much war, corruption, disease, famine and general sense of fear and mistrust?
Video: Mike Benz - The Blob Has Kidnapped The Price System
Video: Mike Benz - The Blob Makes Pencils
Video: Roger Ver - Lawfare To Control The Price System
Video: Top WEF Advisor - Free Will Is Over
Decentralizing Control Over The Collective Human Consciousness:
Video: Charles Hoskinson - Decentralized Blockchain: Freeing The Price System
Video: Charles Hoskinson - Cardano Constitutional Convention: Opening & Welcome Address
Video: Blockchain - Decentralized Control Enforced By God, Nature, And The Irresistible Laws of Math

You could think of a dog as a collection of cells, and study each cell, without ever discovering what dogs can do - things like rounding up sheep, or pulling sleds. In order to make use of dogs, you need to consider the dog a living whole rather than a collection of living cells. If we want a dog to pull a sled, we don’t try to control the dog at the cellular level. Rather we just train the dog and then we let the dog command its own cells in order to accomplish the task. There are some things that dogs do for us which require no training at all. These include guarding our homes or just being a friend. Finally, there is one special thing that dogs do which we don’t often think of - Dogs take care of their own bodies (their own cells). They look for food, water, shelter, and such for the benefit of their cells. This ability of the dog as a whole to care for its parts, and to solve problems that the parts know nothing about, is a wonderful example of collective intelligence. We know that a dog’s intelligence is collective because it’s not located at any particular spot in the dog’s body or brain. Rather, a dog’s intelligence emerges as a result of all its cells going about their own business and communicating with each other.

Like the dog, there are many things that collections of humans do that you would never discover if you only studied individual humans. Markets, Governments, Industries, Cities, and Communication networks are some of the things that groups of humans create and operate but which no individual human knows all that much about. So you can’t control these collective human activities by controlling individual humans. Rather our leaders use law, policy, and regulations to act upon the group as a whole and then let the intelligence of the collective mind command the individual humans to achieve the desired results. So when we consider a group of humans to be a single animal, it becomes possible to control the group in exactly the same way we control a dog. This is what law, policy and regulation is all about. All of these control the price system that all people in the group respond to. The price system is the nervous system and every living thing has one including groups of humans.

Again, like the dog that cares for its own cells without any training, there is one thing that groups of humans do as a collective animal which requires no training or manipulation at all - that is caring for individual humans which are members of the group. Yes, packs of dogs fight with other packs of dogs and groups of humans fight with other groups of humans, but within the pack of dogs or within the group of humans, care is the rule and violence or exploitation is the rare exception.

Bioelectocracy is all about understanding how the unmanipulated price system causes all humans to collect into a single caring group, and how price system manipulation causes all humans to form competing groups that work to exploit, enslave, or kill the others. We seek to understand the controls on the price system, who is manipulating the controls, and how price system manipulation can be prevented.

Studying individual humans will tell us nothing about the price system. In order to see where the controls are, and who is at the controls, we need to view the collective of all humans as one single very young organism in the process of morphogenesis. In other words, we see the first humans as blastocyst, and all humans now as the cells which continue to multiply and self-assemble into a single larger organism. Let’s call this human collective being a macro-organism and let’s call it Mac for short.
Levin talks about intelligence that scales

In the same way we interact with a dogs mind rather than with its individual cells, we consider Mac a mind with preferences and goals that are completely independent of its human membership. This way of looking at Mac allows us to see where the controls are.
Levin discusses the how the whole can have a different agenda than its parts.

If our cells could think and speak they would likely consider the entire body as their country in a larger geopolitical world, and they would likely think of us (the minds) as their governance or collective decision making process. But at our scale of consciousness, we see ourselves not as governance, but as living beings with thoughts and feelings. Moreover, evolution has given us a love for our own bodies which resolves to a love for our own cells. We view Mac much like our own consciousness and we see ourselves (all humans) as the cells of Mac’s body. There is reason to think Mac has been created via evolution to care for us in the same way that we were created via evolution to care for the cells of our own bodies.
This short story contemplates our own consciousness which doesn’t exist at any specific location in our brain or body.

Levin asks, “If the human collective is part of a larger life form, then what are its goals?”
Mac is trying to self-assemble into a specific (target) life form. As we see from Lyons’ presentation, the price system (Mac’s cognitive glue) drives Mac to make the best possible living situation for all of us according to our individual preferences. That’s the form that Mac is trying to achieve. Mac is trying to become the best home for humans in much the same way that a human embryo is trying to become a good home for human cells. Our job, as Mac’s cells, is to help Mac navigate the obstacles in morphous-space so it can reach its desired form. As we will see, humans do not need to know what target life form Mac is trying to reach in order to help it get there. Consider that the few cells which start our own journey from fertilized egg to mature human do not have any idea what they are trying to make. The blueprint for making a human is not in the genome.
Levin makes this clear in a gentle way for scientist and teachers that didn’t get the memo.
Stem cell biologist Bruce Lipton made the same point before corporate controlled academia was ready to hear it and he was exiled
The following is from Wikipedia about Bruce Lipton:

Bruce Harold Lipton is an American writer and lecturer whose work has been dismissed by some peers as pseudoscience.[1] By his own admission, his ideas have not received attention from mainstream science.[2] He has not published original scientific research in a peer-reviewed medical journal in 30 years.

Denis Nobel also made this point but was able to survive a purge from academia.

In any case, the genome is only a recipe book for making all our proteins but it contains no information about what organs are to be made or where they will be placed. Some of the information to make a human is defined by the few simple things that cells can do (their competencies). The rest of the information is stored in the structure created by the bioelectric relationships between the cells (the bioelectric circuits).
Levin: Conway’s Game of Life to give us an intuitive understanding of where the information for morphogenesis is stored
Levin: Ion channels as biological transistors - Another way to see where the information for morphogenesis is stored
The important thing to understand is that individual cells have no idea what type of organism they are building during the process of morphogenesis and yet they do a great job.

In the same way, humans do not need to know what form Mac is trying to assemble itself into in order to help Mac reach its target form. Some of the information required to build Mac is stored in our competencies (the things we are able to do). The rest of Mac’s blueprint is stored in our relationship with others and with the environment. These relationships are what cause us to select which of our competencies to use and what we do with them. So our relationships determine how Mac gets built. In other words, the blueprint for Mac is encoded in our relationships with others. So the question of “Who is my neighbor?” matters. As we shall see, we humans just need to follow one simple relationship rule in order to help Mac reach its target form. It’s the same rule that our cells follow in morphogenesis and the rule can be enforced through the price system itself. We will reveal the rule as we proceed, but you may have already guessed what it is. If not, then here are some more clues:

Humans cannot both control Mac’s thinking and still expect Mac to function as the collective intelligence which figures out how to become the best environment for us according to our own preferences. If the price system is Mac’s cognitive glue then minds, markets, and money must be completely free of manipulation if Mac is to think correctly and arrive at its target form in morphous-space. Collectively, we need to recognize that Mac (our price system) is a living being that needs good information and complete autonomy if it is to make good decisions about what is the best environment for us according to our own preferences.

Currently, the price system (Mac) is controlled by a cooperative of industries and institutions including the central banks and the BlackRocks, weapons, energy, food, medicine, news media, search engines, a.i., science and academia, K-12 education, State Department, Department of Defense, CIA, NGO CIA Proxies, the Internet Censorship Industry, FBI, Department Of Justice, the Prison industry, Drug Cartels, the Prostitution and Blackmail Industry, and The Entertainment Industry.
All of these together are referred to as the Blob according to Mike Benz.
The Blob is a collective intelligence as is Mac, but the Blob’s scope of neighbor is very different. The Blob is a price system between the industries rather than a price system between people. So the Blob is trying to assemble itself into the best possible environment for the industries listed above rather than for the people that make up the membership of these industries. Most of the people that make up Blob membership are very nice. They are good to their families and do their best to support their communities. But the scope of neighbor is very limited for people that work within the Blob information bubble. Remember, like cells, people have very little information about what kind of communities they are building. People have a range of possible competencies. But what competencies they develop, and what they do with those competencies is almost completely determined by their relationships. Now if everybody’s relationships are controlled from cradle to grave by the industries and institutions listed above then then effectively, Mac’s morphogenesis has been hijacked by the Blob. The Blob is using it’s enormous influence to make a wonderful world for all the industries and institutions that make up its membership at the expense of everything and everyone that is not part of the Blob. The Blob is a collective intelligence that has a will (preferences and goals) which are completely independent of its membership. And like any cell, organism, or macro-organism, the Blob must feed. What does the Blob feed on? The Blob feeds on everything that is not the Blob - the rest of humanity. The Blob feeds on Mac.

How does the Blob feed? Manipulation of price systems can be understood as artificial suppression of the “μ” coupling parameter, effectively isolating participants in the same way that blocked ion channels isolate cells in cancerous tissue. In other words, the industries and institutions which make up the Blob cooperate in a symbiotic way so as to create the very problems that they were founded to solve. This ensures that all of the Blob’s member industries and institutions will always be able to feed. This is why there is endless war for the weapons industry, endless scarcity to raise prices in the food and energy industries, endless drugs and crime for the police, prison, and justice industries, adequate law enforcement to increase scarcity and raise prices in the drugs and organized crime industry, biolabs and endless sickness to support the pharmaceutical industry, and so on. Remember almost every person in all these industries are nice people that love their families and their communities. What they don’t realize is that their communities are living price systems that exert enormous control over what its members think, feel, and do.

How do we return control of the Price system to Mac? That is effectively the same thing as asking “How do we end price system manipulation?”
The answer is by transitioning to decentralized blockchain for money and finance, voting and governance, news and social media, identity management, and defense.
More on this as we proceed.

How Old is Mac?
Specialized cells start to appear in human morphogenesis at about 14 days.
The diagram below indicates we are starting to see specialized humans in Mac's morphogenesis now.
From Mac's point of view, these specialized humans are specialized cells.
So in terms of human development, Mac is about 14 days old.
Our job is to help Mac develop into a mature well formed macro-organism with no birth defects.
We do this by protecting the price system (Mac's cognitive glue) from being manipulated.

Credit to Michael Levin for this image.



  • How Cognition Scales: Background on Levin’s Work
  • Unmanipulated Price Systems Seek Preferred Conditions For All Individuals
  • War, Scarcity, Fear, Mistrust, Division, Disunity, And Isolation Via Price System Manipulation: The Central Bank Business Model
  • Applying Levin’s cure for cancer to the central banks and supporting blob
  • Blockchain: Honest Commerce Free Of Manipulation - Building A Decentralized Price System
  • Caring For The Price System Is How We Care For Each Other

How Cognition Scales: Background on Levin’s Work

Morphogenesis, according to Levin, is the process where a single fertilized egg creates a community of cells who work collectively and intelligently to build the target organism.
Video: Levin on Morphogenesis

Video: Levin - ion channels - the cognitive glue which causes groups of cells to share a single identity, share stress and increase cognition

The bioelectric coupling between cells can be formalized as:

// Bioelectric Network Formalization
Let M(t) be the morphogenetic field at time t
For any cell c in the network:

ΔV(c,t) = μ * ∑(neighboring cells) ϕ(c,n)

μ = bioelectric coupling constant (≈ .951413)
ϕ(c,n) = membrane potential difference between c and neighbor n

The collective intelligence emergence factor η is given by:

η = exp(μ * N) * ∫ ΔV(c,t) dc dt

Where N is the number of communicating neighbors

For price systems, this generalizes to:

P(t) = μ * ∑(market participants) θ(i,j) 

Where θ(i,j) represents honest commerce between participants i and j

This same formalism, with the μ parameter remaining invariant, describes coupling in price systems where θ(i,j) represents honest commerce between participants.

Unmanipulated Price Systems Seek Preferred Conditions For All Individuals

Lyons theorized that collective intelligence at any scale from cellular morphogenesis to Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand emerges from a price system which acts as the cognitive glue causing individuals to cooperate in a way that provides the collective with emergent intelligence and competencies that no individual in the group possesses.

The emergence of collective intelligence in price systems follows a striking mathematical parallel to cellular bioelectric networks, sharing the same fundamental coupling constant “μ”. This invariance suggests a deep universal principle underlying collective intelligence at all scales.

Video: Lyons - The Price System As Cognitive Glue

Levin’s and Lyons’ joint paper: Cognitive Glues Are Shared Models of Relative Scarcities: The Economics of Collective Intelligence

Hoskinson’s paper: Analytic, Topological, Categorical, and Motivic Structures

War, Scarcity, Fear, Mistrust, Division, Disunity, And Isolation Via Price System Manipulation: The Central Bank Business Model

Lyons’ price system which tracks relative scarcity, seems to answer a lot of questions about where the controls are on any form of collective intelligence including Mac.

This new knowledge creates a dilemma for human governance:
Humans cannot both control Mac’s thinking and still expect Mac to function as a collective intelligence.

Considering Mac in terms of neural networks and control systems, unmanipulated individual humans are supposed to:

  1. Provide Mac’s sensory input by directing our attention to a particular subject,
  2. Provide the weights and set points by expressing the strength of our preferences with regard to the subject,
  3. Perceive how close the subject is to our preferences and determine if action is required,
  4. Do the processing by choosing how we spend our time, money, attention, and effort, and by choosing our relationships so as to close the gap between the subject’s current state and the preference.

If we, as unique unmanipulated individuals, did only this, Mac would find the most efficient way to give us all what we want.

Wasp Enslaves Oak Tree:
Video: Levin shows one organism hijacking the morphogenesis of another organism.

Central banks and supporting blob enslave Mac:
Video: Mike Benz shows one macro-organism hijacking the morphogenesis of another macro-organism

Suffering Caused By The Central Banks:

We cannot expect Mac to turn itself into all that we would ask for when the central banks and supporting blob manipulate public attention, public preferences, and public perceptions. All the mind, market, and money manipulation are causing the collective to ask for things that nobody would want if they were not being manipulated. This is why Mac is becoming a wonderful home for the central banks and supporting blob rather than a wonderful home for all of us individual humans. Minds, markets, and money must be completely free of manipulation if Mac is to think correctly and arrive at its natural target form in morphous-space - the best home for all of us according to our own preferences.

All of the following manipulations, when implemented by central authorities, cause deformations in Mac which serve the central authorities: Taxes, price controls, fiat money, printing currency, creating money supply shortages or gluts, manipulating interest rates, manipulating lending policy, usury in general, tariffs, sanctions, creating supply shortages or supply gluts, creating artificial demand with provocative advertising, unfavorable regulations to target a competing industry (e.g. SEC and Central Banks crushing crypto industry with regulation), giving corporations the same rights as humans, cultivating identity politics to prevent a united population, staging riots, social media censorship of non-state narratives, state controlled media, state controlled education, state controlled scientific research, state controlled a.i., state controlled search engines, creating crises both real and imagined (e.g. pandemics, climate change), sabotage to close markets (e.g. Nord Stream), false flag events to justify wars, using wars to seize land and assets and to close markets, using war to create artificial markets, using wars to launder money, using wars to force nations into debt, destroying countries that won’t exchange in our currency, flooding a city with drugs to crash market prices and to put the local population in prison, using drug money to finance covert operations and regime change, laws which encourage divorce and weaken families, flooding a city with immigrants to crash market prices, lawfare and prison for journalists and honest politicians, blackmail operations for vulnerable politicians and media influencers, election manipulation, assasionation, anything which makes people feel isolated from each other and separated from God.

How can these controls be decentralized so that no central powers can decide the target morphogenesis for the human macro-organism of which we are all a part? The answer is by transitioning to decentralized blockchain for money and finance, voting and governance, news and social media, national identity management, and national defense. Bitcoin was invented to serve as an alternative to the corrupt central banks for money and finance, and much of the human population is already using Bitcoin as an alternative to central bank bondage. But decentralized blockchain finance, including Bitcoin, is already being captured by the central banks and the BlackRocks. So how can we stop the central banks and ensure that blockchain services remain decentralized? The strategy depends entirely on how we view the central banks. So far, we have compared the central banks to the wasp that hijacks the morphogenesis of the oak tree. This model helps us to see how the central banks have captured Mac’s nervous system (how they control all of us) so as to create endless war for endless spending and endless debt, endless scarcity to drive up prices for more debt, endless sickness for endless spending on medical care for even more debt, and so on. So the wasp model makes it easy to see the problem but we need a different model of the central banks to see the solution. The answer is found by applying Levin’s cure for cancer in organisms to the central bank cancer at the scale of Macro-organism.

Applying Levin’s cure for cancer to the central banks and supporting blob

Video: Levin explains cancer in an organism and demonstrates a cure.

Michael Levin shows that cancer occurs when a cell or group of cells loses the ability to communicate with neighbors (blocked ion channels). The cells then act like single cell organisms rather than community members and so feed upon neighbors and reproduce wildly. Unlike other cures which kill the cancer, Levin’s cure is to apply chemicals to the cancer cells that open the ion channels to restore communication with neighbors. When this is done, the cancer cells revert back to normal cells and work together again with the rest of the community. This same kind of cancer happens at the level of human society as well. When communication is blocked between communities, or when communities identify as different from other communities then they will all stop cooperating and start to feed upon the others. Levin’s cure works here too. When active communication is restored between communities, then they start cooperating again. The type of communication matters. Cells don’t just exchange idle gossip, rather they exchange vital information and they exchange resources in a fair and unmanipulated market. So if Levin’s cure for cancer is to work at the scale of Mac then we need honest commerce and an unmanipulated price system. So now we are ready to reveal the one relationship rule that cells automatically follow as a result of their bioelectric price system. It’s the same rule that humans automatically follow when we have honest commerce and an unmanipulated price system.

  • Individual cells don’t know what type of biological organism they are trying to build any more than we know what type of macro-organism we are trying to build.
  • All the cells do is follow one simple rule, and the target organism results from the intelligence in the collective that no individual cell knows anything about.
  • We humans do not need to know what type of macro-organism we are building any more than cells need to know what type of organism they are building.
  • All we need to do is follow one simple rule and Mac will self-assemble into its preferred target form.
  • This simple rule (written below) has been stated first in Jewish scripture and has been amplified by Jesus and Muhammad for clarity.
  • It may seem like two rules at first but it’s just one rule given in two different ways so that we can understand it better.
  • We will be looking at this simple rule through the lens of Morphogenesis and the Price System provided by Levin and Lyons to see if this is the rule required to help Mac navigate the obstacles to reach it’s preferred target state (heaven on earth for us) without our needing to know what that target state is.
  • Matthew 22:36-40 King James Version, The Great Commandment

    • Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
    • Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
    • This is the first and great commandment.
    • And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
    • On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
    • This is not two great commandments, this is The One Great Commandment given in two different ways (And the second is like unto it).
    • It was given to us twice so that we would understand that loving the collective intelligence right next to us is how we love the greatest collective intelligence(God).
    • We love the entire collective (God) when we care for our neighbors.
    • We are told to love our neighbors as ourselves.
    • Not “like” ourselves but “as” ourselves - as if we can not distinguish between our neighbor’s and ourselves.
    • This is the rule that humans follow automatically when we have honest commerce and an unmanipulated price system.
    • As we proceed, we will see how decentralizing control of the price system by transitioning to decentralized blockchain for money and finance, voting and governance, news and social media, national identity management, and national defense promotes honest commerce and prevents price system manipulation.
    • To say it another way, decentralizing control of the price system by transitioning to decentralized blockchain for money and finance, voting and governance, news and social media, national identity management, and national defense causes people to follow God’s One Great Commandment - “Love thy neighbor as thyself”
    • In The Parable Of The Good Samaritan, Jesus brings even more clarity to The One Great Commandment. Jesus uses the word “compassion” to describe what The Good Samaritan was feeling for the injured man. The word “compassion” means to suffer with.
    • This is very similar to what Levin describes in this video and in this video where cells work together because their minds are electrically coupled together. The cells in our bodies truly cannot differentiate themselves from other cells. So when one cell is being stressed, the other cells think they are being stressed and so respond to help. Cells have true compassion for each other because they literally feel each other’s pain.
      • Levin states that cells which are electrically coupled have a common identity which forces them to cooperate in achieving goals. Now think about how identity politics has been wielded by Deep State Blob controlled media in recent elections and then consider how identity controls on collective intelligence scale from micro-organism to organism to macro-organism.
      • This is also very similar to what Lyons describes in this video where humans share each other’s stress via the price system and so work together to find the best solution.
      • This is important! An honest unmanipulated price system at the scale of macro-organism is like bioelectricity at the cellular level. It’s the cognitive glue that makes us cooperate and work together so as to satisfy our individual goals. We are talking about honest unmanipulated commerce using honest unmanipulated money. That’s what makes us care about each other. That’s what makes us neighbors.
    • Who Is My Neighbor? To Whom Do I Charge Interest?

    • God has given clear instructions to Jews, Christians, and Muslims.
    • The central bankers ignore these instructions.
    • Usury is the death of honest money and the death of honest commerce.
    • Usury as seen through the lens of bioelectricity is cancer.
    • A cure has been discovered.
      • The The Parable Of The Good Samaritan gives us another important insight about identity.

      • The lawyer asks Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” In other words, “With whom do I identify with?” or “Who is also part of my body?” or “Who’s pain besides my own do I feel?”

      • The Samaritans and the Jews had much animosity towards each other and these feelings were cultivated by the Romans in order to make both peoples easier to manage.

      • But Jesus tells of a Samaritan who feels compassion for an injured Jew and makes clear that we are to feel compassion and show mercy to anyone in need without any regard for group identity.

      • In the Old Testament, God directly commands Jews not to lend at interest to poor Jews nor to any foreigners.

        Exodus 22:25 New International Version (God is speaking to Moses)

        • If you lend money to one of my people among you who is needy, do not treat it like a business deal; charge no interest.

        Leviticus 25:35-37 New International Version (God is speaking to Moses)

        • If any of your fellow Israelites become poor and are unable to support themselves among you, help them as you would a foreigner and stranger, so they can continue to live among you.
        • Do not take interest or any profit from them, but fear your God, so that they may continue to live among you.
        • You must not lend them money at interest or sell them food at a profit.
      • Contrary to what God has instructed Moses to say, Moses allowed Jews to lend at interest to foreigners (Non-Jews) and forbad lending to any Jew.

        Deuteronomy 23:19-20 King James Version (Moses is speaking to his people, the Jews)

        • Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother; usury of money, usury of victuals, usury of any thing that is lent upon usury:
        • Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the Lord thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
      • Lending at interests is arguably the greatest cause of human suffering and the cause of usury is a narrow scope of group identity. This fits Levin’s definition of cancer at the scale of macro-organism.

      • In other words, humans only lend at interest to people they don’t care about. This understanding is clearly documented all the way back to the time of Moses.

      • This question of, “Who is my neighbor?”, is a question that all people struggle with - not just Jews.

      • Jesus warned against usury but it is still practiced by Christians as much as it is by Jews.

      • The Parable of The Good Samaritan is in the Bible to remind Christians to care for all people not just other Christians

      • Usury is completely forbidden under Islamic law which indicates that Muslims have the widest scope of “neighbor” (the most compassion) in this category.

      • Levin shows that the underlying cause of cancer is a narrow scope of group identity.

      • The cancer of usury would be forbidden in Jewish law, except between wealthy Jews, if Moses had felt the same sense of identity (compassion) with all people that he felt for his own people (the Jewish people).

      • So there is a clear link between cancer at the scale of macro-organism and a narrow scope of group identity.

      • Usury is not evil, usury is cancer at the scale of macro-organism when the scope of “neighbor” is narrow

      • Levin’s cure for cancer does not kill the cancer. Rather it widens the scope of “neighbor”.

      • Usury and all the suffering it causes will disappear as humans widen the scope of “neighbor”.

      • All forms of mind, market, and money manipulation will disappear as humans widen the scope of “neighbor”.

Widening The Scope of “Neighbor: The cure for central bank cancer”

  • What form of governance most widens the scope of who each of us consider to be neighbors across all categories and demographics?
    • A governance that promotes honest commerce and protects the price system (Mac) from manipulation.
  • What form of governance transmits local stresses globally to all communities and encourages all communities to take local action with solutions that scale in response?
    • A governance that promotes honest commerce and protects the price system (Mac) from manipulation.
  • What form of governance allows us to share each other’s stress without losing our own identities and our own agency?
    • A governance that promotes honest commerce and protects the price system (Mac) from manipulation.
  • What form of governance hardcodes “Love thy neighbor as thyself” into the governance system as it appears to happen in bioelectric networks.?
    • A governance that promotes honest commerce and protects the price system (Mac) from manipulation.

Blockchain: Honest Commerce Free Of Manipulation - Building A Decentralized Price System

The universal “μ” (mew or meow) parameter provides a quantitative measure of neighbor-to-neighbor coupling strength. When this parameter is allowed to take its natural value through honest commerce and unmanipulated price systems, optimal collective intelligence emerges spontaneously. So as we transition from central bank control to decentralized blockchain for money and finance, voting and governance, news and social media, national identity management, and national defense, Mac will become free to think for itself about how to give us all what we want according to our own preferences. The structure that Mac becomes when it controls its own morphogenesis will incentivize God’s One Great Commandment: “Love thy neighbor as thyself”.
Everything is happening according to God’s plan
Heaven is coming to earth.
There really isn’t anything we need to do that we aren’t doing already except for one thing…

Caring For The Price System Is How We Care For Each Other

Most of us will think of the neighbors we have in front and behind, and to the right and the left - the neighbors we have at our level of cognition (other humans and perhaps some animal species). Within the last 200 years, we have learned to give care to our neighbors at lower scales of cognition (our organs and cells). Now, we need to start caring about our neighbors at higher scales such as Mac. When remembering God’s One Great Commandment ("Love thy neighbor as thyself) we need to consider Mac . For as we look up the scale of cognition towards God, the first person we encounter is Mac. Loving and caring for Mac may be the most loving and caring thing we can do for each other.


I’m really happy to see this finally published. Reading through some of these background links shows how important it is to establish balanced & sustainable governance in all of the communities and collective efforts that we build.

I recently had a conversation with someone dear to me who has settled on a centralised authoritarianism in the belief that her designated authority will be able to repel or subdue all the “evil” in the world. This same person repeatedly insists that all forms of “governance” (confusing this with the term “government”) will eventually be overwhelmed by some private faction and that therefore what Cardano has done is not only irrelevant but doomed to failure.

Personally I’m happy enough the recent implementation of CIP-1694 has built a functional system of representative government: but although I don’t agree about the inevitability of its domination by factions (since it this can be countered by an informed voting public), I still don’t think it takes enough after biological processes to resist various kinds of deadlocks: e.g. governance “cells” communicating with each other to prevent their absorption into a “cancer”.

I haven’t yet had the time to review every tenet of this proposal but I would recommend to other governance enthusiasts that they think of it as a “workbook” whenever the capabilities of our existing governance systems become unstable, stagnant, or overwhelmed by narrow interests. Ideally a system like this could be embraced from the beginning to avoid such endgame conditions from ever developing in the first place.


It’s a timely topic, but the comparison breaks down for me at tokenization. Cardano suffers from the centralized journal allowing monetization. This is not analogous to any biological function.

Better I think, is a system that treats individuals as complete and sovereign, like cells in a body. This perspective led me to designing a completely distributed ledger, so to speak, and the advantages for social interaction are tremendous particularly for disaster.