that¡s the point
Sent my Cardano from Bittrex to Binance 2 days ago, everything seems fine on the explorer, correct address and all, but they are not showing up in my Binance deposit history. This is frustrating the hell out of me.
Yea this is turning into some not very funny joke. It has not been possible to withdraw ADA from bittrex for the last two weeks, excluding 1 day.
Oh well, ill leave 1/3 my holdings in ADA and put the rest into coins that actually have a functional wallet. What a joke.
Same. Except my struggle is with Binance currently.
Hello guys, I have some ETH in my wallet and I was going to transfer them to Binance and convert them into ADA and I just saw that you can’t withdraw ADA from Binance at the moment. Does this imply that I’ll be stuck with ADA on the exchange? Do you think price will drop after Binance enables withdrawals again?
What is the reasoning that makes you think price may drop once the withdrawals are enabled again?
I don’t understand it.
Thanks for the reply. I don’t necessarily think the price will drop, I was trying to ask whether someone thinks that
Yesterday I transferred some LTC from KuCoin to binance, to trade to Ada. I bought some more Ada on binance thinking the price may go up once the wallet issue is sorted out, and binance has now started accepting new user registrations again. The price may continue to slide lower, but I didn’t want to be stuck waiting for another dip if it ends up going up to 120 again and keeps climbing. I think $0.85 US is a pretty good buy in price for a long term hold.
(you shouldn’t have issues buying ADA on binance, but you may have to wait awhile before you can withdraw it.)
keep in mind the blame for these technical issues is mostly with the exchanges, not the Ada blockchain, or the deadalus wallet.
You can either stay 24/7 all eyes on binance and when they open ADA withdraws, you make the transfer, or hold your ETH until the issue is solved for good.
If you really believe that its all the exchanges fault your naive. If that were the case why is the problem mostly with ADA? I dont see this problem with BTC, ETH or XRP. And yea, ADA is top five so it should be compared to other top coins.
Kirath, I guess I misspoke here, I’ll try to clarify my thoughts. I didn’t mean Cardano is not in any way responsible for the technical difficulties on binance; what I meant was from a security point of view, I think the ada that is tied up in the effected exchange wallets (including mine) is relatively safe for the near term, until they get things fixed. It’s not a case of the blockchain being broken or anything too serious, it’s just some technical issues that need to be worked out between IOHK and binance. And I’m sure they are going to take their time and err on the side of caution to make sure everything is secure and functioning properly.
Anyone investing in Cardano during this ‘beta test’ thinking there will not be any technical challenges or market volatility along the way is being naive. They still have alot to prove, and to date have just made small incremental steps and talked about what they plan to do in the future. Myself and i’m sure a few others here tend to think they have a good chance of delivering on their plans, so we invest early when it’s still high risk.
Sure I understand that.
I just didnt like the fact that I had a ton of money (for me) locked up on bittrex for two weeks, because ADA withdrawal was disabled, for whatever reason.
Lemme ask you this, who would reimburse me for my lost ADA had bittrex been hacked and my funds gone during those two weeks? Does that seem like a situation you would like to put your early adopters in?
Personally I think it was unacceptable, so I sold off 2/3 of my stack just to get the money off the exchange. Judging by the priceaction lately im not the only one.
I think what happened with the wallet/exchanges during late des early jan was a pretty big dent in the armour for ADA, but im still a believer in the project. Just hate to see it stumble around like this.
Yea it is frustrating, and I understand why you would want to divest. No one is going to insure or reimburse you for losses. It hasn’t been the smoothest rollout by IOHK and sure they could have done better in hindsight.
I think that alot of people have different expectations on what crypto services ‘owe them’ when they buy in with fiat money. Remember you are buying into speculative risk markets, and purchasing digital bits that are not recognized by the government to have any intrinsic value. If someone steals your ADA, the government has no intention to prosecute or investigate a crime. But cardano is also in the process of building a more stable, more secure platform, so that’s what I’m buying in to support. I’ve also had crypto tied up in exchanges for weeks with no access, so I get where your coming from. I hope IOHK learns from this mistake and continues to improve, because they have the right vision, but only time will tell if they can execute on it.
The only thing people need to worry about
im checking binance every freaking 15 minutes for the last week… nothing opening up. it seems to me they have just shut it down all together, probably in preparation for the new API…
annoyed i cant get my money out but at the same time glad this issue should hopefully finally be taken care of once and for all.
you obviously have never had the exchange or mining pool you’ve used hacked before. i have. I’ve lost thousands… don’t really want that to happen again.
The risk is actually lower than it seems though, because of law of investment psychology, the more you have the more you worry about , if you are an active market viewer … which we are probably all guilty of price watching … just gotta watch the anxiety levels too.
withdrawals are open right now! don’t know if its permanent who another temp window.