Build 2 relay nodes only see one in peer on BP

I build 2 relay nodes and one BP node, I registered 3-4 epoch already, in the BP node, I only see 1N peer, and the IP is one of the relay. Am I supposed to see 2 “IN” peer?
Where can I check what could possibly goes wrong?


Does the topology of relay2 contain the BP address?

yes, I put both relay node IP in the topology and it show up in “OUT” remote peer section of the ./gLview of BP node

@laplasz asked u if u added the BP IP on both relays, inside the topology updater script:

  • if u are using cntools u must add the BP IP address + port inside the script to custom peers
  • if u are using coincashew guide then u must add the BP IP address + port inside the script

also check on BP or firewall if u permited the 2nd relay to connect

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i checked the firewall , it does allow the 2nd Relay, and I use coincashew, I also update the already

I just rebooted all server, the IN peer of BP still 0. How could I test if the firewall is proper? I telnet from relay with specific port, it showed as “connected”