Byron Wallet Balance Transactions

I started a Byron wallet a long time ago and transferred some funds. After that I did most of my wallet transactions on Coinbase and just left the ADA there. I got on the old computer a few years ago so I could reallocate my old ADA to a new wallet for staking, I ran the same Daedalus icon on my desktop. It synced within 24 hours and I created a Shelley wallet and swore I sent ADA to it. Now I am running it again after a few years and it is taking forever to sync the node. Days, even weeks and I’m only at 80%. Daedalus is showing that it is still Byron???, but I am positive I synced it since the Shelley release as I have a Shelley wallet seed phrase.

Still showing Bryon, one transaction has shown up, but I thought I had more on the wallet through another transaction. Do I have to sync the whole node to see any additional transactions, or is it safe to say that this is the only transaction in my Byron/Shelley wallet?

I can access the visible Byron transaction on Adalite, but it has a disclaimer about Byron wallets and that it may not be correct, which freaks me out and just creates ambiguity with the whole situation.

So, here is the cliff notes version:

  • Downloaded Daedalus a long time ago (2018 and have seed phrase)
  • About 3 years ago, synced Daedalus after Shelley release and sent ADA to a Shelley wallet (I have seed phrase)
  • Syncing same Daedalus now, but it shows as Byron and taking days to sync to 80%
  • One transaction is visible at 80%, but I swear there were other transactions
  • Do I need to sync the whole node to see all transactions?
  • Is there any issue not doing a new Daedalus install between the Byron and Shelley releases?

What am I doing wrong? Any thoughts are appreciated.

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So as long as you have all the seedphrases for your wallets you are fine.

Simply try to restore with both seedphrases on and see if you see the funds & transactions you mentioned.

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You can restore the Byron seed phrase in and

You can restore the Shelley seed phrase in any native Cardano wallet app – Eternl, Typhon, Lace, …

All of them should be able to show you what happened.

Just please make sure to use the legitimate ones. Follow links from a site you trust, e.g.,, maybe cross-checked with

The warning on Adalite just means that you should not panic if not all shows up. You can’t break something by just restoring and looking at the wallet. Medusa/ could still be able to see the whole if Adalite doesn’t or, in the worst case, you could wait for Daedalus to sync.

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Thank you for the feedback. That relieves a lot of my concern.

When I ran Daedalus between Byron and Shelley, it should update the node automatically, correct? There isn’t a need to re-download the wallet from the Cardano site between releases?

If you last updated Daedalus “a few years ago”, you definitely need a new version now. There were a few breaking upgrades in between. The last one just a few months ago.

It will take days to sync those years in between. Probably not much better than starting with a fresh install and syncing from the beginning.

But as we tried to tell: There is probably not a need to do that. Just check your wallet(s) in those light wallet apps. They only need seconds to check your past transactions and where the ADA are now.

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