Call for delegation news?


I have a couple of questions about the progress of the delegation rounds going forward:

  1. from the amount of applications you received (approximately 300) it looks like IOHK will aim to delegate to about a third of applicants, correct?

  2. If so, are the applicants that were not successful in round 1 (eg Jan-Mar 2021) expected to re-apply with a new application in round 2?

  3. Lastly, will non-successful applicants be notified and given some feedback regarding how to improve their applications?



Hi @Adrem.

  1. ā€œOn the incubation side, each quarter we will be looking to delegate to between 50 and 70 pools.ā€ Delegating with fresh purpose - IOHK Blog
  2. Applicants would indeed need to apply for future rounds.
  3. I donā€™t think applicants ought to expect one-to-one feedback as a rule.
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Thanks for the feedback Ben!

All the best,


If I had a vote, itā€™d go to to [CHRTY] run by (@Alexd1985) and [UNDR] run by (@_ilap). These folks have helped me a great deal on the journey - responses were competent and prompt - at times controversial, but always productive - just great - thanks.


thank you for your kindly words but I donā€™t think it is the case, we should all have an equal chance to take part to this random delegation process


respect to Alexd1985

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@Alexd1985 you are a true gentleman


thatā€™s why this community is the bestā€¦ because has people like me, like you, like others, etc

PS: I donā€™t know if I am a gentleman but I know Iā€™m not a selfish one :slight_smile:

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with no belief and vision we go nowhere :slight_smile:
go Alex :slight_smile:

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Hello, Where are we now? Is this still in process (IOHK Delegating to small pools)?

Hi @sreekd-VOLVO,

The call for delegations for this round has been closed and applications which were received are being reviewed. Please see :point_up: for recent responses by @benohanlon for more details.



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@benohanlon you may have mentioned this somewhere, but will there be a news shared either here or via a blog post once you have made the final decisions. Not necessarily naming the exact pools, but just giving us an idea that the process has concluded?

That right. I echo you @Kristiyan_VLNS

@benohanlon Iā€™m running a pool since epoch 211 without a block!!

@sreekd-VOLVO what is your sigma value? It is possible to know upfront whether/when your pool is going to generate blocks for a given epoch.

@sreekd-VOLVO sorry if this is an obvious question, but is your poolā€™s ticker VOLVO?

I saw that block too :)))

The best place to look for SPO new is the SPO digest that I put together SPO Community of Communities.

@benohanlon I see an empty set of marketing permissions in Firefox-84.0.2. Is this supposed to be like that?

ā€“ thomas

True. I dinā€™t notice much returns though!!!

Hi @tomdx , I do check leader election regular at the start of each Epoch. But no luck! I have asked my known delegators to move-on with other pools. I cannot hold themā€¦