Cannot connect to network after reinstall window 10

I got problems with my computer and had to reinstalled the window 10 recently, the Daedalus folder is preserved at D: disk. And now when I open the application, only the blue screen with “Cannot connect to network”. I start worrying so pls help ==

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Hello! Please follow this instruction, but replace directory paths with your own (on disk D:):

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I had the same problem ,after update of Windows 10 i clean it all and make a new with 12 word seed and later put new password .
syncing blocks take me 12 hours and another 5-6 hours to reinstall old wallet,so be patient,but after all that hustle the new one was set to go (with previous funds inside ,of course) !


This of course depends on the internet connection, but I got my wallet restored in 40 minutes in the new version :slight_smile: In previous versions it usually took around 3-4 hours on my laptop.

Anyways, glad to here it worked for you! :+1:

I will try, thank u

This post is really good I also facing same error when I cannot connect to the network after reinstall windows 10 also shows an error ,so I really want a proper solution how to remove this error as soon as possible.

The OP dates back 11 months, a great deal has changed in that time. Also, that error message suggests a Windows or iTunes problem, you’d be much better off asking in a relevant forum. Good luck!

  1. Open Network and Sharing Center. Choose Change adapter settings.
  2. Locate your wireless adapter and right click it. …
  3. Click the Configure button and go to Wireless Networks tab.
  4. Delete your network from the Preferred networks list.
  5. Save the changes.
    Exact steps are here: