Hello Here, I can see there are ada in the Nami, also tried to use the same phase with Yoroi and adalite, however I am still unable to withdraw the ada out, anyone can help?
Do you see the ADA when importing into Yoroi and Adalite?
If you do not see them, that very likely means that you have the wrong seed phrase. Do you maybe have another one?
If you do see them, that would mean that you do have the correct seed phrase and the question is only what the problem is with getting them out. Can you describe that in more detail? Where are you trying to send?
Hello here, I am trying to send ADA from Nami but failed, then i am trying to use adalite and I still unable to do so. Any tips?
Im not sure if Nami still works but it should definitly works with Adalite. Whats exactly the reason that you arent able to submit the transcation on Adalite?