Cardano Community Publication (2030)

Today, we are announcing the launch of a new initiative, called Cardano2030. The main idea behind it, is that Cardano community members share with each other what they think #Cardano will look like in 2030.

The goal of this initiative isn’t to be a 100% accurate, isn’t to be making useless price predictions, but it’s to show to other community members the potential that there is behind #Cardano, and to share our vision about it.

We think that by sharing our opinions, our views on certain topics, we will reinforce the #Cardano community. Consider this initiative as a first step towards that goal.

If you want to participate in this initiative, you can tweet using #Cardano2030 and mentioning us on Twitter, or you can write an article about your vision in The Cardano Community Publication by filling out this form (it doesn’t even take a minute).

And you can read the first article, written by @cryptocreampuff here:


A nivel general en el espacio blockchain, pasará lo mismo que con las grandes empresas de internet globales. Habrá 15-20 empresas complementarias en el espacio criptográfico que abarcarán la tokenización de todos los activos mundiales, como si fuesen acciones intercambiables en cadenas laterales, sin tener precisamente que pasar por Bitcoin. Cardano; será la plataforma nº 1 de toda la tecnologia blockchain. al ser mucho mas eficiente en energia, escalable y descentralizada, desplazará a Ethereum desplazandolo al segundo lugar y desbancando a Eos y demás plataformas que quedarán obsoletas por contener errores desde el principio. Los contratos mundiales serán controlados por el blockchain, los paises subdesarrollados tendrán acceso a financiación gracias a Ada. Las monedas tipo Libra serán demonizadas y la gente entenderá que no es lo mismo una moneda centralizada bajo el poder de una minoria que descentralizada y que evite la inflación. La gente de los paises inflacionarios se lanzará a por las criptomonedas en general. ADA posiblemente sobrepase los 40$.

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Thank you for your submission.
Would you be so kind to publish your vision on the Cardano Community Publication medium?

Thanking you in advance and much appreciated


Cryptography has a big problem with exchanges. If each day a value of 50% of the capitalization of the currencies moves and the exchanges remain in commissions the 1% … The exchanges will own 100% of the cryptocurrencies in 200 days or transform into fiduciary currencies their benefit not to keep all the cryptocurrencies.
Cardano should implement an exchange platform with fees in ADA as low as currency and would be at the center of the cryptography in a short time.

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