Cardano Media Guidelines On Official Channels - Your Input Is Desired (Stake Pool Advertising)

This is because the rules weren’t being enforced the way that it’s now being interpreted. If you look at my post above. It states that “we will have a zero-tolerance policy going forward”. How is that a narrative that I am pushing? These rules also weren’t being enforced on the Cardano Forum either.

The benefits no one except the moderators, they can now just remove any video they see with an ad.

This is being unfairly enforced on content creators while people can post articles with advertisements, if you go look at the forums 99% of the articles have ads in them yet none of them are removed.

I tried to shorten my advertisement to 15 seconds and posted it only on the Cardano forum but it was removed.

I mentioned this was a slippery slope because the majority of the content on the internet has advertisements in it. This rule will either be unfairly enforced on content creators or every article, video, and post will be taken down at the discretion of the moderators.

Here are some articles upvoted to the top of reddit with ads:

Here’s another site with an ad:

  • The ad that I got for this site was a gambling ad. We can promote content on the forums with gambling ads but my educational content about Cardano can not include an advertisement for my stakepool.

To give some perspective I make about $10 on average from my videos. The only way for the content to be sustainable is by doing outside ads. People that support Cardano should be able to have ads in their videos and should be able to post to the forums as long as the video brings value and isn’t about the ad. The ad is just the means to keep creating. I wish we lived in a world where you could spend 30+ hours a week on content and you were paid sufficiently without advertising.

Content creators do bring value from the community and should not be limited from posting their content on the forums. If my content was in text format with a “stake to my pool” in the top corner it would stay. The Cardano Foundation should not be in the practice of telling content creators they can’t have ads, how many ads should be in their video, how long the ads should be, when they should do the ads, ect. Content creators should have some input on these rules as it’s who they affect.