Cardano node specs since Alonzo upgrade

Hi dear community,

Recently i am trying to figure out a optimal hardware setup in order to run a cardano stake pool, i want to listen the experience of the community in this matter, specially the operators. What hardware or cloud service do you recommend/use to run your nodes? Which spec do you think is more relevant to have in your hardware? I see a lot of people running nodes from their raspberry pis, but it appears to me that with this upgrade 8gb is not enough, anyway, using a low energy consumption device such a single board computer is very tempting.

Thank you forehand for any help, saludos!

I run testnet pool with 8GB and it crashes constantly, this is without swap. Seems that 8GB is not enough. On production I have 16GB ram and even there on BP I see that server utilizes swap. But this is due cncli tool, at least it starting to using swap after I used cncli to check leaderlogs.

And I even didn’t produced any block in Testnet or mainnet.

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U can try contabo vps, the cheapest VPS

Plan M should be enough


I had the Producer and 3 relays on contabo when I started the project… now I have only one relay (plan L) but never had issues with them…

PS: I moved my producer at home

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Thank you for your reply, does the constant use of virtual memory delays the performance of the node considerably???

Thank for you awnser, which device are you using on home??

Dell mini PC 3070 with I9500T CPU AND 32G RAM

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I don’t get your question. :frowning: Can you rephrase?

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Oh sorry, i will try to explain more, from what i know… the constant use of swap is related to decrease on the perfomance of the computer and therefore sometimes the time available for the network. So i wanted to knew if you noticed that kind of issue on your setup? However, now, further reading a bit more, i looked an interesting discussion about swap, where there is mentioned that linux systems always use swap with inactive processes even when there is free RAM, the reason for that is to avoid the physical RAM overuse. Maybe it is the case that your computer increased the use of swap for that reason and not because the 16gb are saturated.

Yes, you are correct that Linux usually starts using swap even there are some RAM left. But if you have more then enough memory, linux will not touch it. I’m pretty sure that there not so much performance drawback to tapping into swap. But again this is something to monitor and to understand. I would prefer that I had enough RAM, that my server will not need even touch swap and I had such setups in my other projects not related to Cardano. Unfortunately here my budget is limited and this is more a fun project to me than commercial one.

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Thank you! I heard some positive things about contabo here. I used digitalocean for my testnet pool and now it costs me 80$ per month. Today I started to move it to Contabo, it should be 20 EUR in total. :slight_smile:

currently, you need 10GB RAM and 30GB HDD per node. You should have at least some swap. (maybe 5G)

CPU is not very important.

These figures are for bare machines running nothing else. The requirements will likely increase in the coming months.

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From what i have researched until now, i see that most relevant feature of the hardware of a node (at least what causes more problems) is having a lot of RAM, i found this high memory plan on linode that is very interesting, what do you think??? Like @boli99 said, since CPU is not an issue i suppose that is a good option, until now i have a good experience with Linode.

that linode plan doesnt have enough storage

You can add more if you want, it is around 1$ per 10gb monthly


Is it really viable option? Looks crazy cheap compared to other providers. Isn’t that like a shared CPU with other VPSes on the hypervisor that can be ‘stolen’ if hypervisor is busy?

Never had issues… anyway u can move anytime from them