As a future aspiring pool operator late to the Cardano staking “game”, having started this journey from scratch about a week ago, I see a lot of varying comments on the desired specs of a Cardano block producing node.
Most of us are aware of the minimum, but vague specs from Cardano:
- 4 GB of RAM
- 24 GB of hard disk space
- a good network connection and about 1 GB of bandwidth per hour
- a public IP4 address,
but that’s very general, minimal and therefore, not optimal.
Lots of variables have to be taken into account.
For those stake pool operators that have experience on ITN, and current mainnet SPOs, what would be your average pool operator’s standards to meet demands right now, and say in the future, when Cardano network gets as much traffic as Ethereum, for example?
FIOS or regular internet?
Dedicated line or not?
Distance of relays to BP node?
Relay nodes at home along with BP or relay nodes on the cloud and BP at home or all three on a private, secure-as-possible cloud service with possibly some type of insurance, if there is such a thing?
Do you think geographical location is an important factor at this early stage of business development: e.g., avoiding areas prone to natural disasters, like tornadoes, hurricanes, seismic activity, etc, choosing areas where there is a lot of internet activity, FIOS,etc?
Server specs for average node:
Do you need an actual ‘server-room’ server and rack, or is a high-end desktop enough?
How many cores: 4, 8, or more?
How much memory: 8, 16, or more, and what type: DDR3,4, EEC?
What kind of drive: traditional HDD, or SATA SDD, or M2.SSD, etc.? Are they hot swappable, is RAID involved?
Do you use redundancy for your BP node other than UPS, like a second back-up BP node with UPS on both?
Is 1 person enough to run server or do you need more?
What mechanism do you use to switch to your back-up node if you have one?
Using a PXE server to copy a newly compiled or installed BP image onto an identical back-up BP server?
The node software:
Building from source code or installing via Nix?
Taking regular snapshots of all directories for back up in case something goes wrong?
Using software to safeguard your BP, like wireshark, nmap, firewalls, physical or otherwise?
Virtual node, container node, or just one actual OS running the BP node?
Mac, Windows, or Linux (I’m using Linux - it’s what I’m most comfortable with or used to.)?
Future Proofing:
If Cardano network has as much traffic as Ethereum, what aspects of your SP operations would you change on down the line?
I know this is a lengthy post. I’m just trying to get some ideas of approaches taken by ADA SPOs, in order to figure out what kind of build I will do. I’m used to building my own computers, but building a server with relays, like SPOs seems to me at least in theory of taking things to a whole new level, something I haven’t done before and really don’t know what I’m doing.
Any insights are appreciated, no matter how small.