Catalyst Weekly #109 - Time to finalize your proposals prior Oct 16

Hey there, beautiful soul!

That’s a wrap for Fund13 submissions! The public submission deadline for all general categories has officially closed, but don’t worry - Fund13 proposers now have the perfect opportunity to refine and finalize (or acrhive) their proposals ahead of the Community Review!

With that in mind, Catalyst also launched the registration period for Community Reviewers earlier this week. Just navigate to and answer the pop-up message if you’d like to participate. Make sure to do so before the end of day UTC on Oct. 20. Full run down of guidelines can be found here.

And guess what? The wallet updates are complete, unlocking a fantastic 25 ADA voting power threshold! If you haven’t joined yet, we hope you’ll be part of this exciting journey in Fund13 as a voter! Follow the latest updates on the wallet readiness page here or talk with your wallet support directly. New voter registrations are now officially open.

For everything else, let’s dive in!

Danny (let’s chat)

Town hall #178

:bulb: Next TH? Every week on Wednesday at 5PM UTC. Register now via this link.

Project completions nearing 1,000

The Cardano community continues to deliver. Another set of eight projects have reached their completion. Find the two shortlists here and here. Well done everyone!

Time to finalize your proposals

Remember, editing your proposals across general categories will be disabled on Oct. 16 at 11AM UTC. Make sure you plan appropriately so you don’t miss a thing.

Here are the key suggestions for proposers from the provided text:

  1. Monitor Comments: Regularly check the comments section of your proposals for feedback and requests for information regarding compliance and readiness.
  2. Correct Categorization: Ensure your proposal is in the right category by reviewing eligibility requirements and category briefs. Understand the distinctions between Concept, Solution, and Product tracks.
  3. Budget Accuracy: Verify that your budget meets the required limits (minimum 15,000 ada and relevant maximum as stated in each category brief that varies) and is clearly stated in ada. Ensure your budget explanation aligns with the total requested.
  4. Milestone Development: Outline your proposal’s milestones with a clear roadmap. Detailed milestones will be required post-funding approval. Doing that extra work will radiate confidence in the community’s ability to understand your plan.
  5. Declare Licenses: Clearly indicate your open-source status (if available - Open categories have this as basic requirement) and the specific license you will use; avoid vague responses.
  6. Applicant Limits: Be aware of the limit of participating in a maximum of 6 proposals. Prioritize your engagements and disclose accurate information about all stakeholders. Failing to do so accurately and obfuscating relationships can lead to dismissal of your proposal(s).
  7. Track Record Management: Close out any outstanding projects from previous funds and maintain proper reporting for funded projects to establish a solid track record. This is especially important with regards to your Proof of Achievements.
  8. Complete Proposals: Ensure all proposal fields are fully populated by the finalization deadline; incomplete proposals will be archived. Any fields that are left empty or have inadequate detail in may risk archival.
  9. Title Length: Keep your proposal title within 60 characters to avoid display issues in the Voting App. Do not use emojis or special characters in them.

Following these guidelines will help ensure your proposal is compliant and has a better chance of success. For all the detailed guidelines - please refer to official documentation portal on Gitbook here.

Maybe some extra tips?

As part of Catalyst project 1100168 the STORM Partners team has been supporting the onboarding of about two-dozen F13 projects, as well fulfilling nine funded proposals of their own (two completed this past month :tada:). Here’s what they’ve learned from some really smart and helpful milestone reviewers who showed them how to write better milestones so they could focus on getting things done.

Ideally, this will allow you to get inspired and maybe even just cut and paste from your project to your statement of milestones once you get approved.

Voting power threshold lowered by 95%

Have you heard? In Fund13, you only need 25 ADA to register to vote. That’s a whopping 95% drop from the previous 450 ADA requirement. Wish to know which wallets are supported and ready to go? Make sure to check out this official page here. Deadline to register is on snapshot day - Nov 20 at 21:45PM UTC.

Save Fund13 dates in your calendar

You can find all key timelines that will drive Project Catalyst for the rest of the year. And in case you ever need a refresher, you’ll be able to find these on the official Catalyst Gitbook Documentation here. It’s important to keep in mind that given the dynamic nature of the program, timelines may change.

Catalyst roadmap & deliverables

Looking for the latest updates regarding Catalyst’s development roadmap? Follow along with milestone developments via Catalyst Gitbook to stay up to speed!

Get in touch

And that’s a wrap. Don’t forget to follow Catalyst on X (twitter) to keep an eye on all the latest.

Catalyst Team

Note: References in this newsletter to the 3rd party projects, products, and services are provided for information purposes only and are not endorsements. Everyone should carry out their own investigations before relying on the information provided in this newsletter.

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