Celebrating the 3rd Anniversary of the Alonzo Hard Fork!
On this day, 12 September 2021, the Cardano blockchain took a giant leap forward with the Alonzo Hard Fork , ushering in the era of smart contracts, decentralized applications (DApps), and decentralized finance (DeFi) on the platform.
Named in honor of the brilliant mathematician Alonzo Church , this pivotal upgrade marked the beginning of a new chapter in blockchain development, opening the doors for businesses, developers, and visionaries to harness the power of smart contracts through Plutus , Cardano’s purpose-built execution environment.
Thanks to Alonzo , we now stand on the shoulders of a sophisticated eUTxO model , fortified by Plutus Script , enabling a new wave of decentralized innovation—from DeFi protocols to NFT marketplaces, and beyond. The rigorous mathematical foundation, combined with scalability and security, ensures that Cardano continues to push the boundaries of what blockchain technology can achieve.
As we reflect on three years of progress, collaboration, and relentless innovation, we look forward to the future possibilities that the Alonzo upgrade continues to unlock. Here’s to the vision, the community, and the continued evolution of Cardano !
The future of decentralized finance is here, and it’s just the beginning.
If you’re part of the Cardano Builders Community, we would love to know which programming languages you’re using for smart contract development. Share with us in the comments below.