Changed pool ticker + logo/icon. Icon not updating on adapoola

Hi everyone,

I just changed my pool ticker to DOC from ANVIL. Seems my extended metadata is updated except on adapoola I still have my old icon showing up (anvil). Waited about 8h since I know bit can take a while to update but everything else seems to work?


Extended metadata:

    "info": {
        "url_png_icon_64x64": "",
        "url_png_logo": "",
        "location": "Alberta, Canada",
        "social": {
            "twitter_handle": "DocStakePool",
            "telegram_handle": "",
            "facebook_handle": "",
            "youtube_handle": "",
            "twitch_handle": "",
            "discord_handle": "",
            "github_handle": ""
        "company": {
            "name": "",
            "addr": "",
            "city": "",
            "country": "",
            "company_id": "",
            "vat_id": ""
        "about": {
            "me": "",
            "server": "",
            "company": ""
    "my-pool-ids": {
        "0": "9084ebeb011e610e695068a74fa883dac5eda55faca77107b5f40064",
        "1": ""

Appreciate any help!

Could be an issue with

u can check if the extended metadata is fine : - login - manage - meta

and check if the new extended metadata was updated

1 Like

Looks like it is loaded in the meta panel. Must be adapools.

Thanks Alex!