Climate Change token

I deeply admire the project’s vision in Africa and the opportunity for many to forever change their life not just in Africa but other countries tackling poverty- and to perhaps speed their development in a more sustainable way than what developed counterparts are trying to change. I wanted to know the community opinion about tackling the anthropomorphic impacts on climate change and our collective acceleration of Climate Change impacts on future generations. I’m wondering if a Climate token can influence the vision of reducing the concentration of Carbon dioxide particulates in the atmosphere and slow or work towards mitigating any further acceleration as an objective.

The climate token would work through a panel of climate scientists, energy engineers, market experts, technologists and environmental researchers. The main objective would be focused on data collection, distribution of assets and mitigation efforts as its prime mission. Data collection would emphasize on having a real time model of the C02 ppm particulate in the atmosphere and devise of possible models to work for what are the best angles to mitigate them at their source. If consumer, power generation and transport contributes to a large portion of this influence then the information and models are then passed to the mitigation experts. Mitigation experts consolidate this data and device on ways to create a full system analysis of the ways the reduction in C02 ppm can be achieved and at what type of pace and technology needs to be developed or deployed on what sector. Projects and research that present the best results toward both teams the data collectors and the distributor of assets. The distributors of assets are involved with communicating the project goals to possible researchers, regulatory bodies, manufacturers and investors to realize the projects needed to begin the creation of climate tokens. Each project will have a regulatory body assessing that the project is tracking with its objective and recording data to be then analyzed by data collection to authenticate the tokens. Through data collection a percent of ppm mitigated can then create a climate token into the system which can then be used to both maintain the organization structure and the funds used to invest on the projects needed to foment change and growth to the goal.

Stakeholders who find value in the project will drive the machine, reduce emissions or its acceleration and create tokens measured inversely from C02 ppm incrementation. Tokens are made as a percent of ppm mitigated and as the projects acquired growth in value it decreases the graph for ppm per year. Projects can span from new technologies reducing consumption from the source (houses, commercial and industries), through new renewable transport technologies, education/reskilling, carbon sequestration and reforestation projects and even projects that capture coal and gas emission from the production source to support that industry as stable generators in the transition period.

I think the focus should never come from penalizing or blaming certain current “dirty” technologies and fully focusing on new technologies is not the right approach. The transition should not be met with one technology vs the other but ways to work with both to meet the needs of the many while finding solutions to support their transitions and to create stability in the process.

As always can a Climate token like this work on a Cardano Defi Tokenization? I believe a decentralized solution is probably the perfect way to tackle an issue like this as value is created with the common vision and value drive the projects and management efforts needed to happen to create these solutions. Projects like this can also be used to aid developing nations in doing it right from an earlier stage as opposed to copy pasting what the developed is trying to reverse in its efforts.

Steven Martinez Garcia