Continue coinbase or is bittrex safe

So recently I went to buy more ADA on Coinbase and bought Ethereum. I have not purchased in a while so I was surprised to see that they now have a 72 hour holding period before I can send it out. this would not be a problem if they had ADA but sadly they don’t. I see you can buy ADA on bittrex but I am a little concerned about putting my card information on there. Does anyone use Bittrex to buy ADA with a debit card and are you happy with it? any problems? or if you use another exchange that you prefer I would be happy to hear about that.

I did use Bittrex to purchase ADA a couple time, and no problem at all. You can use Kraken too.

Both exchanges are Ok.

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I always use Bittrex, for years now. Never had any problems.

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Bittrex & Kraken should be fine. I trust Kraken more out those two.

Also ICONOMI just launched buying Cardano - either EUR or ETH/BTC since you already bought Ethereum. (