Creating a new Yoroi wallet

Hi All,

Imagine you already have a Yoroi wallet which is staking but, for security reasons, you now need to create another one and move all your Adas from the first Yoroi to the second. Could you please let me know if the following steps are correct or if I am doing something wrong?

  1. Create a new user profile in Chrome.
  2. Install the Yoroi extension in the new profile.
  3. Create a new Yoroi wallet and save Recovery Phrase and Spending Password.
  4. Unstake the old Yoroi wallet.
  5. Send the Adas from the old Yoroi to the new.
  6. Delete Yoroi from the main user profile in Chrome.
  7. Delete Yoroi from the new user profile in Chrome.
  8. Delete the new user profile in Chrome.
  9. Restore the new Yoroi in the main user profile in Chrome.

Can you see any risk or mistake? Also, is it possible to have 2 Chrome user profile running at the same time?



To simplify, u can use mozilla firefox for the 2nd wallet!

And if u ask me I will do like this:

  • create new shelley wallet
  • bkp seed words
  • send 10 ADA for test
  • delete the new wallet
  • restore the wallet in order to check the seed words
  • if after restore u will see 10 ADA means the seed words is fine and u can move all ada to the new wallet
  • u can undelegate (u will still receive rewards for 2 epochs)
  • uninstall firefox extension


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And after uninstalling the extension in Firefox I would have to uninstall it from Chrome as well and then reinstall it on Chrome and restore the new wallet. Right?

Thanks Alexd1985, good points!

nope, because in chrome will be your old wallet, you can restore the new wallet also on chrome… you can use what browser you want

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