Critical Indicators for the activation of the Vasil hard fork at Cardano and their respective current status - 29 Aug, 2022


Progress towards the Vasil mainnet upgrade continues:

The Critical Indicators for Vasil activation

For this upgrade to be triggered, the IOG & Cardano Foundation
teams are tracking three critical mass indicators the community will need to reach before the Vasil upgrade will be triggered.

The three critical indicators:

  • :white_check_mark: 75% of mainnet blocks are being created by the final Vasil node candidate (1.35.3)
  • :checkered_flag: Approx. 25 exchanges upgraded (representing c.80% of ada liquidity)
  • :checkered_flag: Top 10 DApps by TVL confirm they’ve upgraded to 1.35.3 on PreProduction & are ready for mainnet.

First Indicator Status: SPO

The Cardano SPO community has been busy over the weekend. And we’re delighted to report that more than 75% blocks are now being minted by nodes supporting 1.35.3. First box ticked.

Info courtesy of @PooltoolI

We’d like to see as many as possible upgraded by the time the Vasil upgrade is deployed to mainnet but it would be great to hit this first critical metric so soon.

Thanks to the great efforts of the incredible SPO Cardano community. Let’s keep going & get that number up?!

Second Indicator Status: EXCHANGES

Exchanges are now also hard at work testing. Kudos to the following exchanges who have thus far confirmed readiness to the Cardano Foundation team :white_check_mark: NDAX | :white_check_mark: LCX | :white_check_mark: Bitrue

Exchanges including: Exchanges :checkered_flag: Binance | :checkered_flag: Kucoin | :checkered_flag: Kraken | :checkered_flag: Crypto | :checkered_flag: Gate | :checkered_flag: Htbtc and many others have also communicated they have started the integration and testing process. The Cardano Foundation Exchange team continues to support.

For a full list:

Third Indicator Status: DAPPS (by TLV)

Many of the leading DApps are also all hard at work. You can check how they are doing and overall progress against all three metrics on the page linked above which we update regularly as we receive information.

We continue to track closely the remaining metrics. Once achieved, in collaboration with the Cardano Foundation team, the upgrade process will be triggered for the Cardano mainnet.

Remember, this is software development and proper testing across the ecosystem is vital to ensure the upgrade is delivered safely and securely.

Thanks and stay close to our Twitter for updates throughout this week for the latest


You can follow the % of mainnet blocks being created by the final Vasil node candidate in this epoch from: