Daedalus is very ram greedy

I have run the Daedalus client on various systems since it launched, I’m happy to contribute to the network.

I have downsized my technology, and now only have one system, so I care a bit more about the resources applications consume.

I see that Daedalus is using 31GB of my 32Gb, and causing my system to swap to disk, resulting in awful performance. Is there any setting to limit the ram Daedalus uses?
If not I will likely have to stop running it, which is a bit of shame.

I use Docker for other projects, perhaps that’s an option?

There are the RTS flags: https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4415304990745-Enabling-RTS-Flags
Not sure if they still are disabled by default and enabling them could help.

But why do you want to keep running it?