Hi: I’m using a guide to build my BP and am running into a command not found error when I follow the instructions within the screenshot below. NOte the code in the top of screenshot refs CARDANO-MY-NODE whereas the instructions at the bottom say CARDANO-CLI BINARIES. Originally, per the instructions of “copy CARDANO-CLI BINARIES” I only copied over a copy of the CARDANO-CLI “folder” however after several command not found errors I am now in the process of downloading the entire CARDANO-MY-NODE folder and I probably will just copy all files in my cloud server (btw, downloading from the cloud is taking way too long). Can anyone shed some light on what specifically is meant by CARDANO-CLI BINARIES? Are these only a handful of specific files, specifics folders, or the entire kitchen sink? Tkx

As always… cheers and beers!!

UPDATE: I’m 2 hours and 10,000+ files into downloading cardano-my-node from the cloud… with no end in sight. Since I was getting command not found errors as stated above I started my nodes and began syncing with the blockchain. OMG, I have a feeling these long download times are because I am downloading the blockchain. Any suggestions on next steps? Scrub the mission and start from scratch? Is making a copy of the binaries supposed to take this long with 10k+ files?? These guides should be updated with clear language and possible pitfalls. Any insights would be appreciated, thanks!


the cli binary cardano-cli results from compiling cardano-cli - it’s a single executable file

similarly, the binary for cardano-node is the compiled version of the cardano-node codebase


hi, what is the path and filename of this executable you mention?
when you say executable I searched for a cardano-cli.exe file… none found

I can only find a folder named cardano-cli with the below path:

git >> cardano-node >> cardano-cli (… and within this folder is cardano-cli.cabal)

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If you took the stakepool course, then the important cardano files should be in /home/<your user name>/.local/bin/
, but if it’s not there, and the name of the file you’re looking for is filename
, then try the command
whereis filename
;e.g. whereis cardano-cli
to find cardano-cli.

Here are the typical files in mine: cabal cardano-cli cardano-node daedalus-mainnet daedalus-testnet

The number of your executable files created will depend on the extent to which you have set up your stake pool based on the testnet course (testnet, which no longer works for a number of people) and subsequently on mainnet, which of course works.

If you cant find it in ~/.local/bin , which the stake pool instructions default newly compiled binaries to this directory, then it could be you messed up part of the install. You don’t have to start from scratch, just go back to the set of instructions that pertain to the missing binary and start from there.


FROG hit the nail on the head in terms of what a binary is, but the whereis command was created for finding binaries, source, and manual files for binaries. How do I know this? lol…I “cheated”. Many commands come with a manual for that command. If you’re not sure what a command does, type “man command”; e.g., man whereis, and in this instance it will open up a manual page for the command whereis. Be forewarned, manual pages can be very confusing and come across as very technical, at least for me, so it’s a good idea to use man pages in conjunction with examples from the internet.

If you don’t create a binary yourself, the way to tell of you’re dealing with a binary or not is to look at where the binary file is located: they are usually located in various places throughout your directory structure, but usually in a folder appropriately named bin/. There are other types of binaries that are for system use and those are located in folders called sbin/ (or system binary), but don’t worry about those,most binaries regular users are interested in installing including those created following stake pool instructions will be located in “bin/” folders, and those folders are found throughout the operating system’s directory structure/tree.

Also, depending on the operating system default configuration, if you do the command ‘ls’ from the command line, the binaries will have an asterisk next to their name (unless executable permissions have to be set manually);e.g., not binary —> not.binary.filename , and binary —> binary.filename*
Look for the asterix, but keep in mind, the asterisk also appears next to script names —> script.filename*
So, just keep that in mind - not all files with an asterisk at the end of their name are binaries. In fact, any executable file even if it can’t be executed like a script or binary file, or file with executable permissions will have an asterix next to its name even if it’s not a script or binary file.

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