Delegating on Shelley Mainnet ("undelegated") shown?

Hi, can someone explain what the “Undelegated” text means next to Stake Pool name in my wallet?

I followed instructions to delegate one wallet to a stakepool. When I go to delegation center, it shows t he word “Undelegated” next to the Pool symbol and underneath it says “re-delegate”. Does this mean it’s successful delegated or not? it’s confusing.

i guess thats because of the way of delegation works.


means you ada arent delegated right now to a pool, if you keep them how they are right now, they will be delegated after 3 epochs :slight_smile:



Mine shows the same thing. Not sure what is going on.

Its fine, just wait until the next epoch.

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Thanks fabian. I was not really worried, just wanted to let you know there was a little something going on. Feed back at this point is probably welcome. Cheers!!

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