Digest June 10, 2024: Final Call to Register Your Candidacy for the Interim Constitutional Committee, Cardano v9 Node Expected in June, A Spotlight on Stake Pools: STAT

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Published by the Cardano Foundation Community Team every two weeks, this Digest will provide you with news, updates and events about the project and ecosystem!

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Final Call: Register Your Candidacy for the Interim Constitutional Committee

Today, June 10th 2024, is the final day to register your candidacy for the Interim Constitutional Committee.

The interim Constitutional Committee (CC) is a temporary committee established to uphold the interim Constitution during the first stage of the Chang upgrade.

The committee will consist of seven members who will serve a one-year term during this interim period to ensure security and continuity. The composition of the committee includes representatives from IOG, the Cardano Foundation, and EMURGO, as well as the membership body Intersect. Additionally, there are three open seats for community members, who can apply for these positions. Don’t miss this important opportunity to get involved. For more information, read here.

Applications to join the interim Constitutional Committee close today (23:00 UTC)!

Charles Hoskinson Confirms: Cardano Node v9 Expected in June

We’ve been hearing a lot about the upcoming Chang Hard Fork in recent months. Much has been written and debated, and a roadmap has been created to outline the progress and expected launch timelines.

Well, after a long wait, Charles Hoskinson finally confirmed yesterday, June 9th 2024, that the first version of the associated Cardano Node version 9 will be released this month. (Edit: first release of this news said also the Chang1 Hardfork will happen in June. This will happen only after a few weeks of testing and node upgrades)

In case you’re wondering what the Chang Hard Fork (upgrade) entails, it’s the first of two upgrades that will deploy governance features to Cardano and enter the interim (or bootstrap) phase as described in CIP-1694. This includes all the community testing that has taken place on SanchoNet.

For more information about CIP-1694, read here
For more information on the Chang Hard Fork, read here
For more information on Cardano’s Governance - Key terms and milestones, read here

A Spotlight on Stake Pools: STAT

The Cardano Foundation’s “Spotlight on Stake Pools” series highlights the pivotal role played by stake pool operators (SPOs) within the Cardano ecosystem. Each installment dives into the unique insights of a specific SPO, showcasing how the Cardano Foundation delegation has empowered them to continue their operations and initiatives.

This installment features Dmytro Stashenko, operator of the STAT stake pool and a key figure behind the AdaStat Cardano Explorer and its API. Since joining Cardano in 2017, Stashenko has become a vital contributor, leveraging his technical expertise to support the Cardano community by improving transparency through the explorer.

Find out how the Cardano Foundation delegation has further helped STAT pool with their initiatives and more in the full blog release here.

Other Cardano Related News

  • Here’s a wonderful recap of the Vietnam Blockchain Week involving the Cardano Vietnamese Community and Emurgo. Source
  • Cardano’s MAV grew from 22 to 36 in seven months. Source
  • Here’s a video from IOG, Introducing Ouroboros Leios. Source
  • New release of Ailken v1.0.29-alpha. Find out more about release here
  • A Cardano Foundation delegation attended the Crypto Valley Conference on June 6th and 7th in Rotkreuz near Zug, in the heart of the Crypto Valley in Switzerland. This high quality event was the opportunity to present the latest CF strategy and achievements as well as Catalyst to a wider audience. It was also the opportunity to generate new leads, ranging from governmental entities to listed companies.

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Spotlight for Community-Built Tools

The Developer Portal serves as a central hub for developers committed to building tools and services on Cardano. This platform empowers developers to collaborate on projects and proudly showcase their innovative works.

With a vision to evolve into a reliable resource, the Developer Portal aims to be the go-to destination where users can discover tools/services tailored to their specific requirements.

Moreover, community projects currently active on the mainnet are warmly encouraged to integrate their initiatives into the Developer Portal.

Recently added:

  • Xogmios: An Elixir client for Ogmios.
  • Emurgo Academy: Blockchain education and training programs designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to understand and develop blockchain solutions. The paid courses cover various aspects of blockchain technology, including its fundamentals, development, and applications, with a focus on Cardano.
  • Cardano Academy: Learn blockchain fundamentals, consensus algorithms, and encryption methods. You’ll explore transaction models, risk mitigation, and scaling solutions. Additionally, you’ll delve into the Cardano blockchain, its governance, and practical uses of ada, including staking and decentralized applications.

Network Insights

Many thanks and greetings from the Community Team!


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