Error: change address staking rights do not match the current accoun

When I try to send from my Yoroi ADA wallet, I go to my wallet and then click “Send” and put in the recipients info and the amount I want to send.

Then I follow the instructions on the screen and my Trezor.

I then get a message on my wallet saying: “Change Address staking rights do not match the current address”

After I click ok, it says “Change Amount XXXX” with a different number of ADA. IF i click ok, then I get an error message on the yoroi wallet.

Any idea?

What error are u receiving?

U can try to connect ur ledger to firefox (download yoroi extension) or on


Here is what Im getting on my Trezor

And this is what happens on the Yoroi send screenScreenshot 2021-03-10 100809

Ok, if u have the latest app version, try with firefox or on

PS: did u replaced/changed the HW wallet?

the HW wallet is the same. I recently unstaked my ADA so I wonder if thats the issue since the error that first comes up is about staking. When I go to adalite and connect with my trezor, the wallet balance is 0.

Weird… ur ADA are on trezor right? Did u check the trezor bridge; it has the last update?

Did you fix it? I have same problem…