I apologize in advance as this has probably been asked before. I all but forgot about my crypto holdings and only recently started getting interested in it again.
My XRP is safely stored offline, but when I went to check the wallet I thought I sent my ADA to, it’s no longer there. I can see the dates I transferred it out of Coinbase, but when I plug the wallet address into Cardano scan, well, frankly I don’t understand how to interpret it as I’m a novice.
I’ve checked my Daedalus wallet that I supposedly sent it to and it’s empty.
Would need a lot more details to try to find out what you are looking at.
Did your address(es) back then start with addr1…, with Ddz…, or with Ae2…? Do you still have your seed phrase (or your hardware wallet)?
That you can’t see your ADA in an explorer could just be that you did a transaction and Daedalus put them on another (change) address afterwards. It always does that, allegedly for privacy reasons. So, if you use Daedalus (or Yoroi for that matter), you don’t have just one address, but your wallet consists of many, many addresses. Most other wallet apps are using single-address mode nowadays.
That you can’t see your ADA in Daedalus could be that it just isn’t finished synchronising. That can take many days (and will use close to 200 GiB of disk space).
The vast majority of people have no advantage whatsoever from Daedalus and its resource hunger, really don’t need a full node wallet app.
If you are on a wallet with addr1… addresses, you can just import the same wallet – using the hardware wallet or the seed phrase – in any of the wallet apps listed at https://cardano.org/what-is-ada#wallets and should see your wallet in seconds.
If your addresses start with Ddz… or Ae2 addresses that means that it is an old “Byron” wallet (outdated for four years). There are not many wallet apps left that can handle them and it would be wise to send the ADA to a newly created – Shelley – wallet as soon as possible. For these, you either have to get Daedalus running somehow or you can try adalite.io and/or adawallet.io, the only two light wallet apps that can handle Byron wallets (with more or less compatibility to Daedalus).
Yes i still have the seed phrase and restored/resynched my Daedalus wallet fully, but it’s still showing empty.
Wallet that I sent it to when I transferred it out of Coinbase starts with Ddz (I’m fairly certain with was my Daedalus wallet at the time because I physically wrote it down when I copied my 15 word recovery phase).
Once I find out what wallet I sent it to, I plan on sending it all to my offline Ledger, but I need to figure out why it’s not appearing in the Daedalus I sent it to.
So its most likely a legacy Byron wallet. You can use your seedphrase and simply restore it on adalite.io or adawallet.io and then transfer the funds to your hardware wallet address.
Ok I’ll give that a try and see if there’s any success. Gratitude for your help. I haven’t touched my wallets since 2021 so my knowledge is a little rusty.
Since that is an Ae2… address, I would think that it is a Yoroi Byron wallet, should have had a 15 word seed phrase.
Unfortunately, Yoroi has removed Byron support completely some months ago. I think Adalite should be able to access that if you give it the correct seed phrase.
On the other hand: That address where your ADA went three years ago – https://adastat.net/addresses/Ae2tdPwUPEZ6xYrxCgRDM2NQFM5oajHEoJN3i9ZVV2AbsbvxoJBjVu3yP7W – has too much activity to really be another wallet of yours – hundredthousands of ADA going in and out during October 2021. Don’t know what happened there. Do you remember anything from that time?
I think I might be out of luck then. I copied down the seed phrases exactly and pasted screenshots of them into a document to avoid this type of thing and that’s what I’ve been working from.