,The balance in my ADA wallets show no coins

Dear support!
I’ve bought 55 ADA from vicuta in Viet Nam and they confirmed they’ve sent the coins to my wallet at the address DdzFFzCqrht7X9jLXSRU4ij9CQVJYzMKDEGNwQbFLtocL8LNNuWgdLfaLs9DGs6yo8svRVjmNfj32dAxdDnuij6AKUVQU8gPFkUYHr2e .They also sent me the link as an evidence:
https://cardanoexplorer.com/tx/f6c61b611156fceb5496b60403b08631abc601ec904c8acaddc6a36903833205.However,up to now,the balance in my ADA wallets show no coins. please help to verify and solve this problem. Thank you very much.

Your link provided does not show a transaction
I suggest you contact the exchange again

Okay, for clarity your wallet receive address in Daedalus is:


Is that correct?


Vào 02-02-2018 11:27 SA, “Jonathan” cardano@discoursemail.com đã viết:

The Explorer link shows the transaction succeeded and your ADA is safe. If you haven’t already, you should try restarting Daedalus, and if that doesn’t help, restart the computer. Let us know if that doesn’t work either.

I still can not find the coins in my wallet (Cardano ADA Wallet - Android

Vào 02-02-2018 8:34 CH, “Robin Faichney” cardano@discoursemail.com đã

@LMVSAG Unfortunately there is no official android wallet for Cardano ADA. There have been some reported scam wallets recently for android. If you are using a Cardano/ADA wallet on android it is likely that it may be a scam and your funds might not be retrievable. I am sorry if this is the case. I hope it is not.

Thank you!

Vào 03-02-2018 8:31 SA, “Reggie Sanford” cardano@discoursemail.com đã

I have the same problem :frowning: , is there anyone who can help me?

Hello @Pawel_Mic Did you try to restart your computer, then re-launch Daedalus? Your wallet probably needs to update the latest blocks

I dont try because I send ADA to mobile(Android) wallet on Adress: DdzFFzCqrht7X9jLXSRU4ij9CQVJYzMKDEGNwQbFLtocL8LNNuWgdLfaLs9DGs6yo8svRVjmNfj32dAxdDnuij6AKUVQU8gPFkUYHr2e

So my ADA was stolen?

what is the name of the android wallet you are using? Where did you get it? The google play store?

Daedalus wallet - google play…

Vào 09-02-2018 1:34 CH, “Reggie” cardano@discoursemail.com đã viết:

Vào 09-02-2018 1:40 CH, “SANG LAM” lmvsag@gmail.com đã viết:

That is a fake wallet. Daedalus wallet is only available for Windows and MacOS. I am sorry but your funds probably have been stolen. I checked Google Play just now and do not see it listed anywhere. It has most likely been removed. If you find it on there please report it to Google as a scam. I’m sorry, I hope it wasn’t a lot.

Only wallet - http://daedaluswallet.io/ CMON friends - Read before you send :frowning:

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I withdraw about 100$, ehh :frowning: Thanks for info about this scam wallet