gLive v1.25.1, error: process ID list syntax error

This is weird and i cant figure it out. im getting an error in gLive v1.25.1

“error: process ID list syntax error” at the top of the terminal window.

In my env the only thing i have changed is #CNODE_PORT=6000 → #CNODE_PORT=6001

and also made the same port change in the startup script:
PORT=6000 → PORT=6001

The node syncs and starts fine, i have restarted the machine, i have also reinstalled gLine wiht

sudo apt install bc tcptraceroute -y
curl -s -o
curl -s -o env
chmod 755
sed -i env \
    -e "s/\#CONFIG=\"\${CNODE_HOME}\/files\/config.json\"/CONFIG=\"\${NODE_HOME}\/mainnet-config.json\"/g" \
    -e "s/\#SOCKET=\"\${CNODE_HOME}\/sockets\/node0.socket\"/SOCKET=\"\${NODE_HOME}\/db\/socket\"/g"

but still get the error and in gLive the node is not starting on port 6001, it keep starting on port 6000

any ideas?

here is the first few lines of the env file:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# shellcheck disable=SC2034,SC2086,SC2230,SC2009,SC2206,SC2062,SC2059,SC2229,SC2154,SC2162,SC2120

# User Variables - Change as desired #
# Leave as is if unsure              #

#CNODEBIN="${HOME}/.cabal/bin/cardano-node"             # Override automatic detection of cardano-node executable
#CCLI="${HOME}/.cabal/bin/cardano-cli"                  # Override automatic detection of cardano-cli executable
#CNCLI="${HOME}/.cargo/bin/cncli"                       # Override automatic detection of executable (
#CNODE_HOME="/opt/cardano/cnode"                        # Override default CNODE_HOME path (defaults to /opt/cardano/cnode)
#CNODE_PORT=6001                                        # Set node port
CONFIG="${NODE_HOME}/mainnet-config.json"               # Override automatic detection of node config path
SOCKET="${NODE_HOME}/db/socket"            # Override automatic detection of path to socket
#TOPOLOGY="${CNODE_HOME}/files/topology.json"           # Override default topology.json path
#LOG_DIR="${CNODE_HOME}/logs"                           # Folder where your logs will be sent to (must pre-exist)
#DB_DIR="${CNODE_HOME}/db"                              # Folder to store the cardano-node blockchain db
#UPDATE_CHECK="Y"                                       # Check for updates to scripts, it will still be prompted before proceeding (Y|N).
#TMP_DIR="/tmp/cnode"                                   # Folder to hold temporary files in the various scripts, each script might create additional subfolders
#USE_EKG="Y"                                            # Use EKG metrics from the node instead of Prometheus. Prometheus metrics yield slightly better performance but can be unresponsive at times (default EKG)
#EKG_HOST=                                     # Set node EKG host IP
#EKG_PORT=12788                                         # Override automatic detection of node EKG port
#PROM_HOST=                                    # Set node Prometheus host IP
#PROM_PORT=12798                                        # Override automatic detection of node Prometheus port
#EKG_TIMEOUT=3                                          # Maximum time in seconds that you allow EKG request to take before aborting (node metrics)
#CURL_TIMEOUT=10                                        # Maximum time in seconds that you allow curl file download to take before aborting (GitHub update process)
#BLOCKLOG_DIR="${CNODE_HOME}/guild-db/blocklog"         # Override default directory used to store block data for core node
#BLOCKLOG_TZ="UTC"                                      # TimeZone to use when displaying blocklog -
#SHELLEY_TRANS_EPOCH=208                                # Override automatic detection of shelley epoch start, e.g 208 for mainnet
#TG_BOT_TOKEN=""                                        # Uncomment and set to enable telegramSend function. To create your own BOT-token and Chat-Id follow guide at:
#TG_CHAT_ID=""                                          #
#TIMEOUT_LEDGER_STATE=300                               # Timeout in seconds for querying and dumping ledger-state
#IP_VERSION=4                                           # The IP version to use for push and fetch, valid options: 4 | 6 | mix (Default: 4)
#PGREST_API=""                     # Uncomment and set to enable PostgREST API queries against DB-Sync
#DBSYNC_QUERY_FOLDER="${CNODE_HOME}/files/dbsync/queries" # [advanced feature] Folder containing DB-Sync chain analysis queries

uncomment the CNODE_PORT from env (delete the # from the begining)
Save the file and restart the node


Hi Alex, i dont have a CNODE_LINE anywhere?

corrected :crazy_face:

Omg i cant believe i didnt see that!

Thankyou :pray:

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