Going to buy more Ada. How low can we go

Any analysts views on the current price and how low ADA could potentially go?

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Isn’t that the key to this whole thing :laughing:

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I think your guess is as good as anyone’s Alex

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.30 .20 .10 I think these are all great prices. Off to binance I go :laughing:

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Just bought some more at $0.29. Still a great price IMO


Have a couple of Ethereums on the springboard…One to turn to ADA at 0.25 and another at 0.20 (if it gets there)

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Nom nom nom ada cookies are delicious


I am not a trader, so please don’t take it as advice.
This is just a personal opinion.

  1. Market will go to November December values, around the first step in the accelerated spike.
  2. Once the regulation kicks in a lot of the “coins” will crumble and a lot of the utility tokens will suffer
  3. The survivors will trade sideways for about 6 months, maybe with a 10-15% down trend during that period.
  4. The ones to pay attention are those tokens that at this moment are NOT following the uptrend of BTC, ETH.
    So if ADA is following the same XRP, side ways movement even when others are going up, there is a reason for that.
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Be a great purchase :grin:

So you are saying ada will crash ?

No, I am saying that there is a reason why it is stable :slight_smile:
Usually when u are in a bouble speculative market, you have two kind of assets,

  1. That Keep growing with nothing really changing in terms of product, they depend just on retail boosts
  2. Those that have good news but move sideways or have a slight dip despite the good news.

With the second group two things are possible.

  1. Investors belive in concept but are waiting on proof for product development before making a move.
  2. They gather silently, situation in with they will push the price lower for the next 12-24 months

Best example, look at xrp and the list of partnerships in the last month … With every partnership announced, xrp actually went down… Ask why, consider the fact that large investment groups usually are looking at 10 years time frames, and u will understand that sometimes pushing a price down has its purpose.


Cardano is a long term project. Many investors in the cryptocurrency space are impatient and looking for quick profits. I consider any weakness in ADA’s price to be a great buying opportunity.

Why did I just read that in a cookie monster voice? :joy::joy:

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Haha! I did the same thing :joy:


Not often I post about NOM NOM cookiemonster ada cookies but when I do it is because Ada cookies are so delicious right now.

I just buy a small portion each month. Regardless the price.
Dollar cost averaging :metal:

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