Have you registered to vote for ProjectCatalyst Fund4?

Voting registration started on 03/Jun/2021, 16:00 UTC & we encourage you to take part. Our goal is to reach 30k voters across the world in this round. So get involved and you can be a part of this too!

Check voting registration page for a detailed step by step guide and see additional resources for more information:

Please be sure to complete voting registration before June 11, 2021, 10:59 UTC.

Get involved, have your say and earn rewards!

And let’s build Cardano’s future together!


Thanks Anastassia for reminding us. First time voter and exited about it !

I tried, but it says I cannot register a hardware wallet…I’m not sure I understand how that can be…doesn’t everyone use a hardware wallet when staking? I guess I cannot vote…

Edit: I opened up the Android Catalyst voting app and tried to set my pin code and it says malformed encryption or decryption payload and won’t let me set up a pin…is there some problem with this app?

I signed up for fund4 and voted, but did not receive any rewards.

Like you, I have also not received any rewards for voting.

Likewise and unfortunately not been 100% successful up to this point since inception due to previous issues with the catalyst app. Did everything correct.