HAWAK SPO - Up and Running on Mainnet

Hello All,

I have started my Mainnet SPO journey. This was a continued effort from the TestNet and then launched in Preview and Pre-Prod.
We have setup this New Pool to to be a Global link based on Bare Metal Servers in various locations (Canada / UAE) and planning to provide / participate in the community.
Our goal is to grow Cardano in new regions and have an open space for onboarding new group.

Our Alliances are:
CSPA - Cardano Single Pool Alliance
xSPA - Xtra small Pool Alliance
BMA - Bare Metal Alliance

… more to come and grow

For now enjoy the free token airdrops by delegating to HAWAK and using Dripz / Tosi


Hawak pool has been running well over the past 3 months.

The latest updates have been on solidifying the social platforms. We can be contacted in the following places:
Reddit u/HawakPool
Twitter : https://twitter.com/BRNMXR
Telegram: Telegram: Join Group Chat
Discord: Discord
Linktree: brnmxr | Twitter | Linktree
Website: https://hawak.cloud/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@brainmixer

Come discover and reach out, we are friendly and happy to support !

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Hawak pool has been running well over 6 months now.

The latest updates have been focused around growth. It was only possible by the amazing interest of new stake wallets being created (newcomers) followed by other existing wallets transferring their stake to Hawak.

Proud to announce:

  • 3 Blocks Minted !:brick:
  • 700k ADA Active Stake !:moneybag:
  • 21 Delegators !:arrow_upper_right:
  • More Rewards available on TosiDrop / DripDropz
  • Participating in an ISPO

As we grow further we hope to attract more people into Cardano and understand how to safely store their funds. Our focus is to bring awareness and help answer questions anyone in the community might have.


Greetings Cardano Community,

Today marks the momentous occasion of the HAWAK pool’s one-year anniversary on the Cardano mainnet! :tada: Reflecting on our journey, we are thrilled to share the milestones and achievements that define our commitment to the Cardano ecosystem:

:globe_with_meridians: Secured Performance: Minted an impressive 33 blocks and shared over 8000 ADA in rewards, creating a robust foundation for global participation.

:handshake: Community Efforts: Successfully organized a vibrant in-person event focused on CIP-1694, fostering meaningful discussions and collaborations within our community.

:closed_lock_with_key: Supported New Initiative: Implemented Mirhril signing and established secure nodes across three geographies, ensuring the safety and integrity of our operations.

:ballot_box: Governance Participation: Actively engaged in Cardano’s governance CIP-1694 by voting on crucial updates, contributing to the decentralized decision-making process.

:bulb: Project Assessments: Played a pivotal role in the evaluation of Catalyst Fund9 and 10 projects, demonstrating our commitment to supporting and shaping the future of Cardano.

:earth_africa: Global Presence: Proudly sponsored the DiscoverCardano booth at the Dubai CryptoExpo, promoting awareness and growth within the larger crypto community.

And these are just a few highlights! Share this post, join us in celebrating our achievements, and let’s continue to grow within the Cardano ecosystem, securing our future together.

Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to the HAWAK pool.