I want to jump in again i have a good amount already but i keep staking ADA, its probably one of the best long term invests so far, where u guys think the price will go soon, nd is the price growing because of the anouncment in the next cpl days?
thanks for reading!
What do you mean you keep staking ADA? Staking has not been released yet.
In the short term it is impossible to tell what will happen. Longer term though the future looks very bright.
@matt608 i mean i have a bit nd want more i dont know something about staking lol ^^
whats up with that staking do u know more about it?
i just hope that the price will go down to .03 once again nd than go to moon
Staking is coming out with the Shelly release in April/May 2018
That would be a pretty big crash to go that low! Anything is possible I suppose but seems a bit unlikely.