How to convert the Byron wallet address or Shelly wallet address which is 58 or 59 characterstics to 104

I have some ADA assets in OTCBTC, I would like to tranfer it to some exchanges. However, the exchanges only support the new type address for the Cardano mainnet which is 58 or 59 characterstics. But the only available format for the transfer out address for OTCBTC is the address with 104 characteristic, for example (DdzFFzCqrht5sQ6gwv7tcc7JKPph7uP4JCB1GNeAN5XTmadgF9t1E4A1vhEZ5Ef8k3wRpDroes5pUQmWhUDkFYSJpbczr4QmJkqtRMVJ)
How can I translate the Byron wallet address or Shelly wallet address into the old types address which is with 104 characteristic?

Ive never heard of OTCBTC before. Is this some kind of an exchange or is it a non custiodal wallet?

Different address types cannot simply be translated. They belong to completely different types of wallets.

And, nowadays, you only really want to have Shelley wallets that can be used with any current wallet app.

And as @Zyroxa asked: What even is OTCBTC? An exchange of some type? They really should support addresses that are now the standard for four years.

Possibility would be to temporarily create a Daedalus-type Byron wallet (Ddz… addresses) in, e.g.,, transfer there, and immediately send further to a Shelley wallet (or the deposit address of some other exchange if you want).

Observe that Adalite won’t offer you to create a Byron wallet. You would have to get a valid 12 word seed phrase somewhere (get it randomly from any wallet app that uses 12 words, reuse one that you already have, …) and then restore with that seed phrase. It will have a Byron Ddz… address in “Receive”.

it is an exchange

Well in this case you will have to talk with their support.

If you still can withdraw your ADA, you probably should create a wallet in a non-custodial wallet, backup the seedphrase and withdraw your ADA.

Or simply use another exchange.

are there any wallets have the addresses open with ‘ Ddz’ and has 104 characteristics ? I would like a wallet that can receive the ADA in OTCBTC( a exchange which is accepted the sending address like" Ddx ,,,,“ )

Good luck!

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thx for your reply. I will restate my understanding of your reply, please check if my understanding is accurate. thank you very much.

as your saying, I could temporarily create a Daedalus-type Byron wallet, I can first create a new Daedalus-type Byron wallet (Ddz… addresses) in the adalite wallet, and then transfer my ADA assets from the OTCBTC exchange to this newly created adalite wallet. After that, I can transfer these ADA assets out from the adalite wallet to a new exchange that uses the shelly wallet (add…addresses) as the recharge address.

But I don’t understand what you mean in the fifth paragraph. Are you saying that the adalite wallet will not create a new Byron wallet for me, but if I have never had an old Byron wallet before, how would I have a seed phrase to inject into the adalite wallet? Do you mean that I can just use any wallet (not necessarily a Byron type) to inject into adalite?


Yes, what I’m saying is that it won’t create a new Byron wallet if you click here (as it will generate a 15 word Shelley wallet since Shelley has been the Cardano standard since Summer 2020):

It will however happily open a Byron wallet if you give it a 12 word seed phrase. (It assumes that seed phrase length corresponds to wallet type, which is very wrong, but kind of helps in this case.)

Seed phrases are just phrases following a particular standard (BIP 39). You can take any valid 12 word seed phrase according to this standard and Adalite will happily open the corresponding Byron wallet for you. Doesn’t matter if it has been used for that (or anything on Cardano for that matter) before.

It just has to be a valid 12 word seed phrase and only known to you.

The ones generated by Trust, Atomic, or Exodus (which all use 12 word seed phrases) would, for example, work, yes.

I understand now, thank you very much for your kindness. and I am trying to use adalite and the imtoken wallet now. OTCBTC is now processing my request, hope to have good news.

I would really recommand to use a Cardano wallet like Typhon or Eternl.

Does this wallet you are using even supports Cardano?