How to return deposit fee 500A

block begins. I changed pool cerf…

{ “resultcode”: “504”, “datetime”:“2022-04-15 20:10:07”, “clientIp”: “”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “one request per hour please” } It seems everything is ok

did u checked crontab ?
type crontab -e
how many entry do you have there?

and yes, everything looks great now on

crontab -e I see 5 same things.

3 * * * * /home/ubuntu/cardano-my-node/
33 * * * * /home/ubuntu/cardano-my-node/
33 * * * * /home/ubuntu/cardano-my-node/
33 * * * * /home/ubuntu/cardano-my-node/
33 * * * * /home/ubuntu/cardano-my-node/

:)) kepp only one entry and u will not receive that message anymore

is it normal?? many thanks.

Is it… if u added more times inside crontab

hello… I have a question. When can I receive rewards??

Two epochs after your pool creates a block, however with your active stake the block may come as late as in 10 years

My people tried to delegate to my pool in Yoroi, but they had problems. sometime it operates. I do not know why.
Two relay nodes are required for better stability?
And, you can check my pool status in… I do not know what I should do more…

The pool is fine, perhaps they encountered yoroi sync issues… ask them to have patience and try again…

Also if they chose your pool to delegate and inserted the spending password with success then probably they must wait more time (~20-30 min) due to network load

On everything is green so it’s fine… extended metadata is used to add social media accounts info + pool logo but it’s optional


Hello. I have a question.
in, my pool is still appeared in ADA4U. (old name) and adapool. my pool is shown Yabak.
Does it affect to produce block???

Check with leaderlog if u have/had blocks

how to check the leaderlog?

U are using coincashew or cntools?

I am using coincashew.

Since version 1.34, it is possible to check the slot leadership schedule for the current and next epoch using cardano-cli.

for current epoch use

cardano-cli query leadership-schedule \
--mainnet \
--genesis $NODE_HOME/mainnet-shelley-genesis.json \
--stake-pool-id $(cat $NODE_HOME/stakepoolid.txt) \
--vrf-signing-key-file $NODE_HOME/vrf.skey \

for next epoch (but not early than 1,5 days before the new epoch start)

cardano-cli query leadership-schedule \
--mainnet \
--genesis $NODE_HOME/mainnet-shelley-genesis.json \
--stake-pool-id $(cat $NODE_HOME/stakepoolid.txt) \
--vrf-signing-key-file $NODE_HOME/vrf.skey \

thanks. I have a question.
In other pools, we can see the many records of various smart contracts and paying fees.
But in my pool, there is nothing. My pool has not minted any block yet.

I have a question. What does the blue box mean?

화면 캡처 2022-05-23 222034

It is a block the pool has produced. And that block contained 6 transactions with 25 591 ADA volume, 1.8 ADA fees, 1 contract and was 20% full.

Same block in Cardanoscan: