I am getting error "-bash: cardano-node: command not found"

I am getting error message “-bash: cardano-node: command not found” while trying to start cardano node. I was trying to following the instructions as given in the link.

Must be something related with export path

Thank You!

The same thing happens to me, can you be more specific?
Can you tell me what command I put in the terminal to solve it?

hi @Alexd1985, I’m struggling with the same issue, what do you mean with “Must be something related with export path”? Thanks"

I assume your cardano-node binary is in ~/.local/bin

You can verify that by executing: ls -la ~/.local/bin

If there cardano-node and cardano-cli binaries are there, then you need to add that folder to the path:

command: nano ~/.bashrc
or open that file in your preferred text editor

at the bottom of the file add export PATH="~/.local/bin:$PATH"

command: source ~/.bashrc

You should be able to run the cardano-cli and cardano-node commands


I only tried to run the cardano-node container and thought this would work without to install the binary files ( cardano-cli and cardano-node)?
Do I have to install them at first? (Sorry, I’m a newbie)

The link from your message has the docker example commands. If you are not experienced with Docker then I guess it’ll be easier for you to download the binaries.

Here’s the 1.31.0 binary for linux: Hydra - Build 9225896 of job Cardano:cardano-node-pr-3412:cardano-node-linux

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