I can't do transaction in Yoroi using Tezor model T

If u have the trezor seed words u can try to restore it

Did u ever restored it?

Can u share an address from trezor? Go to receive in yoroi and copy one address and paste it here

Also … did u ever delegated the funds from trezor?

If u have the trezor seed words u can try to restore it

  • yes, I’ve.

Did u ever restored it?

  • No.

Can u share an address from trezor? Go to receive in yoroi and copy one address and paste it here

  • Sure. [ addr1q9jr0apmft0q06nu4ykmpfkuquwmjjxurypxlect8p7efrz6zfgf8plx59mx6m4y5pl7j26t6wutqcrm7chnfwrj8etq8t5z8n ]

Also … did u ever delegated the funds from trezor?

  • No.

I see this address has funds, did u copied right now from the trezor wallet? Those are ur missing ADA?

I see this address has funds, did u copied right now from the trezor wallet?

  • No, from transaction Hash.

Those are ur missing ADA?

  • I don’t see ADA.

I’ll summarize so far:

  1. I just add a trezor t wallet to yoroi
  2. After that, I sent her funds, as you can see.
  3. however when trying to delegate, the error of this topic was occurring.
  4. in an attempt to solve it, I removed the wallet (with the address I sent now)
  5. Now I don’t see anymore

understand, then share an address from trezor (from the current wallet not from the hash/past)

Current address : addr1qyn73r7c0fl2adppm6phrpc7ja2mpypdvtywpjsg8d06ahmuw0m02ccfw8w7yq0dgnywn747vk69f6uzjd92trj4sh5s0uxae0

ok, there are 2 possibilities:

  1. you didn’t sent the ADA to trezor wallet (you thought but you don’t)
  2. you sent ADA to trezor but somehow the wallet is hidden (perhaps when u created the set the trezor u choose for a passphrase, etc)

Q: when u created/restored the yoroi - trezor wallet it asked you for a password?

Yes, I don’t put password, only press “Enter”

is there any way to try to recover the old wallet? Any synchronization with the blockchain? or the broker rollback?

Man even an empty space is considered a passphrase… try to activate back

Hi, I did and redid, nothing worked :frowning:

Hi, Have the same problem here, did you resolve it?