Im not stupid

Ok, I have used private cold starage wallets in the past. I have several of them. Ledger, CB Wallet, Daedalus… Several 15 to 24 words key phrases to store all my crypto. I recently, about 6 months ago, transferred my Daedalus wallet ADA to a new Yoroi wallet. I found Daedalus to be clunky and slow, so i swithched. I also have my ADA on a community node to earn every epoch.
Every month i check all my hard wallets, just to stay uo to date on all hardware upgrades. I went to check my Yoroi accout and all my ADA is gone. No transactions at all… I removed yoroi and used my 15 word keys phrase to restore my wallet, and the same thing happens… 0 ADA. No transactions.
I know it can be user error, but i have checked that wallet, with those phrase keys for several months with no issue… NOW… All gone.
Im not sure what to do. “Your keys, your crypto” I got it, “user error” sure. But I’m not stupid! I check all the time! How does it just disappear like that?
Am i missing something? I even looked at these crypto restore companies to try and figure this out. Are those scams? Is anyone else having any issues with Yoroi? Im at a loss. I have been trying for over 2 months now.

How about trying your Yoroi seed phrase in either Eternl or Nami wallet. That will at least tell you if its an issue with Yoroi. Have never looked at a crypto restore company. Good luck.

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  • is it a simple/standard wallet or hardware wallet?
  • when u transfered the funds did u restore daedalus inside yoroi (used daedalus 24 seed words) or created a new 15 words wallet ?
  • if in yoroi u can’t see any transactions it means it is not the right wallet (its a new one); u can check the address from receive section on to be sure that its not an yoroi bug
  • the good news is that u was not hacked; u only used a wrong seed words-
  • if u have ADA in HW wallet then restore the wallet add wallet → connect ledger/trezor



OMG!!! yes! yes! yes! I found my ADA!!! I used my 24 seed word from Daedalus and it worked!!! OMG!!! So confusing… maybe I am stupid… LOL… So why does my 24 seed Daedalus work on Yoroi, and why do I have written down a 15 word Yoroi seed phrase? I guess it doesn’t matter. Never in a million years would I try that.
Thank you very much!


Awesome! :beers:
Probably u found that u can restore the daedalus wallet (inside yoroi) after u created a new yoroi wallet

PS: u can use the daedalus 24 seed words to access the funds in any other cardano wallets like, yoroi, eternl, etc

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