Increasing Fees and Yoroi improvements

After the price increase for Cardano over the past 8 months and with the transaction fees remaining at 0.16-0.18 ADA, the amount it costs to send a native asset on the blockchain are becoming more than trivial.

I feel that this is a real turn off for people using the network, especially new users, who are not emotionally or financially invested in Cardano, and will have little stopping them from looking around for cheaper options, like Solana for example where fees are below a cent per transaction. Especially NFT fans, as currently every NFT sent has to be accompanied by around 1.5 ADA.

Why isn’t anything being done about this, as it is likely to get much worse if the price of ADA continues to rise?

Also, after using Yoroi extensively myself over the last few months, I have found it not at all the most intuitive or pleasant experience to use, especially with regard to NFT’s.

There is no directory showing what NFT’s you have in your wallet, so you can’t see a picture at all. And the only way to see the title is to click “send” and scroll down the list of options of what you want to send. Also you can’t send more than 1 NFT at a time on Yoroi (although i believe you can on Daedalus).
It is just a truly poor experience considering this is the flagship wallet built by the team.

I just wondered if anyone knew if anything was being done about these issues and if not, how could we begin that process?

Thank you.


I will leave the cost/amount issue alone here as a topic.
But I do agree with your thoughts with Yoroi. It needs to be made much stronger functionally and visually.
I am emotionally and financially invested in Cardano, and I am trying to get others to understand financial systems, with the idea of how incredible the logic of blockchain is to the trust of people and programming.
The simple idea of getting an actual “interest” payment for your savings at this point in history is astounding, and the wallet needs to portray that fundamental.
At this moment in time, the graph denoting this has vanished. and the visual feedback of the wallet on a phone or a computer screen is useless to show others how or why they should gain interest or invest.
I hope they are attentive, and I agree: who could we begin this process.