Install daedalus on ubuntu

Hi. I have the linux version of daedalus downloaded to my pc.
Please someone can indicate step by step the commands that I must use in the terminal to be able to install it in ubuntu 20.04 :thinking:
Thank you very much and greetings

Open a terminal in the folder where you have downloaded the daedalus .bin setup file (daedalus-2.0.1-mainnet-14017.bin).

chmod +x daedalus-2.0.1-mainnet-14017.bin

That will allow you to execute the bin file.


There will be a short delay as the file starts to unpack and then you’ll see contents display on the screen. Once it is finished, you should see the Daedalus icon appear in your Ubuntu Applications list.

Hope this works for you!


Hi. I have followed your instructions, but in the terminal it says “I can’t find the file in the directory”. At the moment I am unable to install the wallet on ubuntu. I am used to windows and do not understand anything in linux. Is there an easier way to install programs on linux?
Thanks for your help. I will consider your pool for my delegation. :smile:
a greeting

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  1. After opening the terminal make sure you’re in your Downloads directory (I can only assume that it’s where the file is located) by typing:
    cd ~/Downloads

  2. Follow Pauls instructions. While typing the filename you can let the system complete it for you by pressing TAB - just to make sure the filename is correct…

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Nothing, I am in the download folder where daedalus is downloaded, I open the terminal, I follow all the instructions they have given me and it keeps telling me that “the file or directory does not exist”.
I think I will be missing something to write in the terminal, but I don’t know what. Could you give me all the commands I have to type? Excuse my ignorance. :pray:
Thanks and regards.

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Ok, first of all, linux is fun. Lol.
So what you need to do is find where is your daedalus file is.
You can type
l is london and s is sierra.
find out if you are in the correct folder.

if you already find your daedalus file. please make sure that your file is executeable. by typing
ls -l

your daedalus file should be in green color and in the front you will see
rwx r-x r-x the x mean that your file is ready to be execute.

if not, please type

chmod +x daedalus-2.0.1-mainnet-14017.bin

then check again

after that type


good luck.

if you don’t mind, when you type ls -l, can you please show us the daedalus file?
I’m afraid when you saved the file it is saved as different file so when you execute, the computer cannot find the file. cheers

Dear friends. What happens to me seems incredible. I download the wallet from the official website I save it in downloads then I follow all the instructions that give me step by step and in my terminal it keeps saying “the file or directory does not exist” I do not understand what is happening.
Thank you very much for your help, but unfortunately I am not able to install daedalus on my ubuntu. :hot_face:

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I follow these instructions and daedalus is not in any folder, however I have it downloaded in downloads. I don’t understand what happens.

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The reason why all the commands doesn’t work is because you don’t have the daedalus downloaded or you download it to wrong folder.
Can you check your browser. Do you use Firefox browser? if yes, do you see the hamburger icon? on your right hand side on top?
click that.
Then select preference -> in General tab, find files and application, and see Downloads.
Please check if the save files folder are going to Downloads folder (this is default).
If this is already correct. Kindly download the daedalus one more time and make sure you choose save file.
Aftet that you can repeat what mention above.
Basically, you need to see this daedalus-xxx.bin in your terminal in order to all the command mention above to work.
Good luck.

You are not alone :smile:, I have Ubuntu since several years ago and yet never able to install Daedalus, I requested for a “windows type” button for easy installation in an IOHK live call, they answered me it was just a matter of “one command in the terminal”.
I will keep an eye in this thread to see if we can both finally install it

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No entiendo por que Linux no facilita estas cosas, seguro que tendría muchos mas usuarios.
Gracias por tus traducciones en los videos. Tampoco entiendo por qué Cardano no incluye el idioma Español, somos 600 M de hispano hablantes. Ni siquiera en la billetera Daedalus se puede copiar y pegar el texto para una mas facil traducción.
Un saludo.

Linux no, es IOHK el que tendría que implementarlo.
También ofrecimos traducción al español de Daedalus tiempo atrás y respondieron que no, que había que esperar, infiero por todo el desarrollo que están llevando a cabo.
(Yoroi ya está en español, Emurgo implementa un muy buen software, creo yo, que nos avisa por email cada vez que hay nuevos hilos para traducir y cualquiera de los traductores de la comunidad puede contribuir)

Acabo de descargar nuevamente Daedalus…intento número “N” de instalación… nos mantenemos en contacto Josma :wink:

Same issue as @josma here
File downloaded in the downloads folder, I can see it by typing “ls”
“ls -l” is not showing it green and not starting with “rwx r-x r-x”. It starts with “-rw-rw-r–”

I am receving the “chmod: cannot access ‘daedalus-2.0.1-mainnet-14079.bin’: No such file or directory” message

Note: Instead of “chmod +x daedalus-2.0.1-mainnet-14017.bin” I am typing “chmod +x daedalus-2.1.0-mainnet-14079.bin” because that is my file name.

Thanks in advance for this support :muscle:

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What you describe is exactly what happens to me.
The most curious thing is that the ITN wallet if I was able to install it in Ubuntu, watching some explanatory video on YouTube, but now I can not find any videos, nor with the help of the forum I am able to install it. Let’s see if we ever get it.

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Are you still unable to install daedalus wallet in Ubuntu? To be honest, I use Centos 8 as daily driver. I have failed several times to install in Centos.
Then I find this 1 problem. I need to install “nix” first in order to install daedalus, and it works. But, I’m not sure if Ubuntu also need nix to install daedalus.

Thanks for replying, no, not able to install Daedalus yet…hope in the future we will just have a button in order to avoid all this

Hi community. I’m having/had the same issue…
cd ~/Downloads that ben10 suggested seems to have done the trick.
Cheers everyone. :slight_smile:
oh!! the tribulations of a Linux (non-tekky) newbie!

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Yo estoy en eso, de hecho lo instalé pero no arranca, solo parpadea.
intentaré con la nueva versión.
Sería genial que daedalus tuviese un instalar .deb

@josma, after YEARS, through this 2 minute video I was finally able to install Daedalus in Ubuntu, it was very very easy.

Thanks Carlos and IOHK! :muscle: