Hello Cardano community,
Today is a good day to introduce our staking pool, we just made our first block on mainnet and are very honored to be part of the Cardano network.
Cardaspians (CASP) is an application service provider for the Cardano eco system, providing reliable network and application services. Cardaspians stands for Cardano Application & Staking Provider.
We run a Cardano staking pool called CASP where end users can stake and earn ADA. In a later phase we will provide applications for specific vertical markets.
Cardaspians is built and supported by a team of experienced professionals. Safety and high availability are central to our architecture and design principles. We operate from out of Belgium.
Ticker: CASP
Name: Cardaspians
pledge: 200K
Pool ID: 7ac19e69af887439f7e0fb1b0bec30fc8dd02b0f73b4d1f41a36cff4
Fees: 3%
Live stake (23rd august 2020): ~1 million
website: https://cardaspians.io/
telegram: https://t.me/cardaspians
twitter: https://twitter.com/cardaspians
pooltool: https://pooltool.io/pool/7ac19e69af887439f7e0fb1b0bec30fc8dd02b0f73b4d1f41a36cff4/blocks
adapools: https://adapools.org/pool/7ac19e69af887439f7e0fb1b0bec30fc8dd02b0f73b4d1f41a36cff4
Team of 4 professionals / co-owners:
Mark Van Quickelberghe
- Research, Staking pool maintenance
- https://twitter.com/mvquickelberghe
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/markvanquickelberghe/?trk=profile-badge
- https://t.me/markvq
Michiel Bellen
- Web, app developer
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/michiel-bellen-87756b4b/?trk=profile-badge
- https://twitter.com/MichielBellen
Jan De Waard
- Sales and Marketing, investor relations
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/jldewaard/?trk=profile-badge
- https://twitter.com/janldewaard
Paul Schillebeekx
- Business development, parterships
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-schillebeekx-5a0349/?trk=profile-badge
- https://twitter.com/paul99942276
Server specifications:
Provider: Hetzner VPS
Server Location: Helsinki, Nurenberg
Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
1 Block producer node
2 Relays nodes on 2 different geographical locations
Each node runs on a separate vps server with the below specs.
CPU: 4vcpu Cores per node
RAM: 8GB per node
HDD: 80GB NVME per node
Network: 1 Gbit/s
If anyone has any spare funds on the test net please delegate to our pool
Any questions please give use a shout