Introducing DApp360 Pool - D360

Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to do a quick intro to our pool and who is running it. Myself, Matthew Consolo, and Hassan Michael are co-owner and co-operating the pool. We both both come from a tech background and have been following the Cardano project since 2017. We participated in the ITN, STN and are now on the mainnet. We are glad to be apart of the community and look to make Cardano the best blockchain in the world. If you you are interested in joining our pool please reach out to us at any time.

D360 / 1.5 Million ADA Pledged / 340 ADA minimum fee / 3% Variable Fee

Matthew Consolo - 954-667-9781,
Hassan Michael - 786-877-8145,

Pool ID - 881e3af880ac65f96cbf9b85d3f054f72aa7bb9c77fe365bbf36f4c7

Location: Fort Lauderdale, FL

Pool Infrastructure - 2 relays (dedicated servers in 1&1 cloud, 32GB RAM, 4 Cores, 480GB SSD w/ Raid 1), 1 core (dedicated server in 1&1 cloud, 32GB RAM, 4 Cores, 480GB SSD w/ Raid 1). All nodes have a 1GB pipe with unlimited traffic.

Pool Redundancy - our core has 2 relays talking to it at all times. If one goes down we have the other to still communicate with the network.

Operator Experience - We have over 6 years of DevOps experience. Since we have been in the ITN & STN we have plenty of experience running a successful stake pool and make sure it is online at all times.

Why should users check out your pool? Hassan and I are dedicated stake pool operators that treat stake pool operating on the Cardano ecosystem just like a business. That being said our delegators are our clients and we want them to get the biggest return on their investment. The Cardano blockchain is something we believe is going to change the world and we are glad to be along for the ride.

We also offer Stake Pool Operator services. If you would like to run a stake pool but do not have the technical skills to do so please reach out to either of us via our email above.